Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize Amendments to a Contract with Fehr and Peers of up to 25% ($43,076.00) of the Original Contract Amount, Appropriate $100,500.00 of Measure BB Bicycle and Pedestrian Funds to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update Project, and to Reappropriate $15,000.00 from the Bike and Ped Support Program to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update Project
• Public Safety
• Infrastructure
Staff recommends that the City Council:
• Authorize staff to issue amendments to an existing contract for up to 25% of the original contract amount;
• Appropriate Measure BB funds from fund balance to the project; and
• Reappropriate funds from the Bike and Ped Support Program to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update project.
The FY 2023-2024 adopted budget contains funding in the amount of $100,000 for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update project.
Resolution No. 2023-115 was passed and adopted on September 5, 2023 authorizing the City Manager to execute a Consulting Services Agreement (CSA) with Fehr & Peers for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update project for a maximum amount of compensation of $172,307.00.
Contract amendment authority of 25% (or $43,076.00) of the original contract amount is needed to respond to unforeseen issues or conditions that may delay the completion of the project.
The cost to complete the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update project is estimated at $215,500.00 additional funding of $115,500.00 is required to complete the work as envisioned. The Measure BB Bicycle and Pedestrian fund has a balance of over $100,500.00 that can be utilized for this project.
The amount budgeted annually for the Bike and Ped Support Program is used for traffic counts and other analysis of requests for bike improvements from the public. Through the first quarter of this fiscal year Staff has received no requests for this program. Staff proposes reallocating half of the budget for this program, $15,000.00, to the Bike and Ped Master Plan project. If requests for bike and ped support exceed the remaining program funding a response will be delayed until the following fiscal year.
Previous Actions
• September 5, 2023: City Council passed and adopted Resolution No. 2023-115 authorizing the City Manager to execute a Consulting Services Agreement (CSA) with Fehr & Peers for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Masterplan Update project.
Financial Impacts
• Current funding for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update project is $100,000.00 in account 210-36-351, as appropriated in the 2023-2024 budget.
• This action will appropriate $100,500.00 from 153 fund balance to account 153-36-351 in 2023-2024.
• This action will reappropriate $15,000.00 from account 153-36-507 to account 153-36-351 in 2023-2024.
Attachment A: Resolution No. 2023-XXX
Attachment B: Signed Resolution 2023-115 - Fehr & Peers
Attachment C: Signed CSA - Fehr & Peers
PREPARED BY: Robin Chee, Assistant Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department