File #: 14-005    Version: 1 Name: WPCP Contaminated Soil Relocation Project CSA for Carollo - SR
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/17/2014 Final action: 3/17/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving a Consulting Services Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for the Water Pollution Control Plant Contaminated Soil Relocation Project, Project No. 2015.0300
Related files: 14-009
Staff Report for a Resolution Approving a Consulting Services Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for the Water Pollution Control Plant Contaminated Soil Relocation Project, Project No. 2015.0300
Staff recommends the approval of a contract in the amount of $130,799 for a feasibility study and design services to be performed by Carollo Engineers, Inc. for the relocation of  contaminated soil generated by the Water Pollution Control Plant Rehabilitation Project.
The construction phase of the WPCP Rehabilitation Project generated excess soil that must either be reused on-site or hauled to a disposal location. As a result of staff's consultation with the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), it has concluded that it can obtain permits from the RWQCB for the re-use of the excess soils on the over-flow ponds on-site.
Reusing the soil on-site will create a usable space for the storage of equipment and is estimated to cost less than moving the soil to a disposal facility. A consultant with experience in the regulatory requirements of the RWQCB is needed to complete required design and permit documents to successfully pursue reuse of the soil.  
Two proposals for this design work were received.  Carollo Engineers, Inc. was selected as the most qualified firm because of the firm's recent experience in the design of the 3.0 million gallon equalization storage facility that was constructed as part of the WPCP Rehabilitation Project. The design methodology and construction techniques at the constructed storage facility are very similar to those needed on the proposed equipment pad.
If the RWQCB approval is not received, the soil must be transported off-site. In that case, City staff will prepare the bidding documents.
Previous Actions
·      On July 5, 2011, by Resolution No. 2011-0132, the City Council awarded a construction contract to S. J. Amoroso Construction for the WPCP Rehabilitation Project
·      On July 5, 2011, by Resolution No. 2011-0135, the City Council appropriated funds from the WPCP Enterprise Fund for construction work at the WPCP
·      On January 21, 2014, by Resolution No. 2014-005, the City Council appropriated funds from the WPCP Enterprise Fund for the WPCP Contaminated Soil Relocation project
Applicable General Plan Policies
52.04 Maintain efficient, environmentally sound, and cost-effective wastewater collection and treatment services in San Leandro.
Permits and/or Variances Granted
A permit from the RWQCB will be obtained for reuse of the soil on-site.  Removal of the material to a disposal location does not require a permit.
Environmental Review
Reuse of the soil on-site, if permitted, is categorically exempt per CEQA Section 15304(a).  The work consists of a minor alteration to the condition of the land, will be done on land with a slope of less than 10 percent, and will not involve removal of trees or work in any wetland, scenic area, or Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone.
A notice of CEQA exemption will be filed with Alameda County in the design phase.
Fiscal Impacts
The total cost of the WPCP Contaminated Soil Relocation project is estimated to be either $3,025,000 if the contaminated soil must be off hauled, or $2,000,000 if the contaminated soil is reused on site.
This Consulting Services Agreement for the WPCP Contaminated Soil Relocation Project will cost $130,799.
This project will be funded from the following accounts:
·      $375,000 of Water Pollution Control Plant Enterprise funds in account 593-52-252
·      $2,650,000 of Water Pollution Control Plant Enterprise funds in account 593-52-229
Budget Authority
Existing appropriations were authorized by City Council resolutions that were passed on July 5, 2011 and January 21, 2014.
PREPARED BY:  Yin-Kuei Lin, Assistant Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department