File #: 20-134    Version: 1 Name: Beacon Award Staff Report
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/4/2020 Final action: 5/4/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution for Participation in the Institute for Local Government's Beacon Program
Related files: 20-131


Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution for Participation in the Institute for Local Government’s Beacon Program


Staff Report


Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached resolution supporting the City of San Leandro’s participation in the Beacon Program. The Beacon Program is an established program of the Institute for Local Government that recognizes cities and counties across California that take voluntary action to save energy, reduce emissions, and promote sustainability. 




The Beacon Program is an established program of the Institute for Local Government,   

the non-profit training and education affiliate of the League of California Cities, the California State Association of Counties and the California Special Districts Association. 


The Beacon Program provides a framework for cities and counties to implement and share best practices that create healthier, more efficient, sustainable communities. The program honors voluntary efforts by cities and counties to save energy, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adopt policies and programs that promote sustainability.


Beacon Program participants receive valuable support and encouragement from the Institute for Local Government and its non-profit and utility partners. The team helps local governments apply sustainability best practices and collect and organize data to advance participants’ achievements within the program’s five areas of accomplishment:

                     Agency GHG Reductions

                     Community GHG Reductions

                     Agency Energy Savings

                     Natural Gas Savings

                     Sustainability Best Practices Activities


Within each area, the participant can earn Beacon Spotlight Awards based on the level of achievement. To win a full Beacon Award, participants are required to demonstrate achievements in all five areas.


In addition to award recognition, participants receive monthly communications about innovative practices and/or funding opportunities, access to peer-to-peer networking opportunities and invitations to highlight sustainability leadership. 


In order to participate in the Beacon Program, cities and counties must complete a simple application and do the following:


                     Adopt a resolution by the governing body committing the agency to participate in the program;

                     Designate a lead staff person as a point of contact; and

                     Seek to implement energy efficiency or sustainability programs, policies or procedures that achieve measurable greenhouse gas reductions and promote energy conservation activities in the community.


The Beacon Program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas Company, under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. Additional detailed information about the program can be found at <>.


The City of San Leandro has made great strides in addressing sustainability including:


                     Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan 2018;

                     Pilot Parklet Program;

                     2035 General Plan promotes sustainable and adaptable growth principles;

                     Sidewalk Repair Program;

                     Urban Runoff Clean Water Program;


                     Complete Streets Design Guidelines; and

                     Climate Action Plan 2009


Fiscal Impacts

Program participation is voluntary and there are no costs associated with submitting an application to the program. The program is designed to complement existing efforts associated with the City of San Leandro’s energy and climate action plans, which would be facilitated using existing staff resources and previously appropriated funds within the adopted FY 2019-20 General Fund budget. Participating in the program may increase the city’s competitiveness for future state or other grant funding.






PREPARED BY:  Hoi-Fei Mok, Sustainability Manager, Public Works Department