File #: 12-306    Version: 1 Name: CM Reporting Assignments
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/18/2012 Final action: 6/18/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Report on City Manager and Assistant City Manager Reporting Assignments
Attachments: 1. Org Chart.pdf


Report on City Manager and Assistant City Manager Reporting Assignments






To maximize efficiency and ensure that my greatest attention is devoted to advancing the City Council’s adopted goals and managing the precarious financial environment that we are experiencing, I have made several changes to reporting relationships between Department Heads and the City Manager’s Office. This report is for information only and no action is required.




Beginning July 1, 2012, we will be implementing changes in the reporting relationships between Department Heads and the City Manager’s Office. Historically, all Department Heads have reported directly to the City Manager. Although I intend to remain involved in all facets of City operations, in the future we will be dividing reporting relationships between the City Manager and Assistant City Manager. When significant issues and projects arise, the City Manager will be involved regardless of the Department. For day-to-day operational issues, however, the new reporting relationships will ensure that the departments are able to communicate effectively with the City Manager’s Office via the City Manager or Assistant City Manager.


As shown in the attached chart, the following Departments will report as follows:


                     City Manager                                                                                    Assistant City Manager

                     Community Development                                                               Library Services

                     Engineering & Transportation                                          Police

                     Finance                                                                                                         Recreation and Human Services

                     Public Works                                                                                                         Fire Department


These assignments will direct my greatest attention to furthering the following City Council goals:


                     Place the City on a firm foundation for long-term fiscal sustainability


                     Work with the community and all stakeholders towards completing major projects and programs for sustainable economic development

Community Development

                     Maintain and enhance the City’s infrastructure

Engineering & Transportation, Public Works


Obviously, public safety continues to be a major priority and this will be the focal point of the Assistant City Manager’s attention. Within the City Manager’s Office, the Human Resources, communications, and community relations functions will be overseen by the City Manager and Information Systems, the City Clerk’s Office and Council agendas will be overseen by the Assistant City Manager. 




These changes will provide operational efficiency and allow me to direct my greatest attention to some of our highest priorities at this time. The loss of redevelopment has created a need to shift responsibilities, but given the development opportunities in San Leandro, such as Kaiser, the Shoreline, Village Marketplace, and Lit San Leandro, devoting maximum attention to these projects is the best way to ensure their success. City priorities are certain to change in the future and reporting assignments will be subject to corresponding adjustments.