File #: 12-349    Version: 1 Name: Annual Overlay/Rehab 10-11 ACCEPT
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/16/2012 Final action: 7/16/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Accepting the Work for Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2010-11, Project No. 10-149-38-327
Related files: 12-350
Staff Report for a Resolution Accepting the Work for Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2010-11, Project No. 10-149-38-327
Staff recommends acceptance of the work, filing of the Notice of Completion, and authorizing the City Manager to release the Maintenance Bond for the subject project upon successful completion of the one-year maintenance period.
The streets included in the subject project were selected based on information from the City's Pavement Management System.  Street selection was also determined by the amount of available funds, proximity to future projects, and other engineering factors.
Roadway reconstruction was completed on the following street segments associated with the subject project:
·      Andover Street from Burkhart Avenue to Lewelling Boulevard
·      Astor Drive from View Drive to Lake Chabot Road
·      Begier Avenue from Chetland Road to Bancroft Avenue
·      Pearson Avenue from Gilmore Drive to Valley Street
·      Johnson Street from Leonard Drive to Gilmore Drive
·      Valley Street from Pearson Avenue to Gilmore Drive
·      Maria Drive from Leonard Drive to Johnson Street
·      East half of Bancroft Avenue from San Leandro Creek to Callan Avenue
Streets were reconstructed utilizing a cement-stabilized base process.  This process involves removing the top layer of asphalt concrete (AC), mixing portland cement into the road base to provide a stable foundation, and installing a surface course of AC.  This method of rehabilitation costs significantly less than traditional road reconstruction methods, as it reduces the amount of labor, hauling and raw materials.
This project also constructed eighteen curb ramps along the street segments listed above to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.  Six sets of rubber speed cushions from the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program were incorporated into this project and installed along Victoria Court and Victoria Avenue.
On July 18, 2011, the City Council awarded the construction contract for the subject project to Gallagher & Burk, Inc.  The work has been inspected and deemed to comply with the contract documents and City standards.  Construction is now complete.
Previous Actions
·      On June 20, 2011, by Resolution No. 2011-119, the City Council approved the plans and specifications for the subject project and authorized the call for bids
·      On July 18, 2011, by Resolution No. 2011-147, the City Council awarded the construction contract to Gallagher & Burk, Inc. for the subject project
Applicable General Plan Policies
This action is consistent with Streets and Highway Goal No. 16 of the General Plan and Action Item 16.03:  Maintenance.
Environmental Review
This project is categorically exempt from CEQA per Section 15301(c) - Existing Facilities.
Fiscal Impacts
A summary of the construction contract with Gallagher & Burk, Inc. is below:
      Original Contract                        $1,009,729.50
      Change Orders                           $195,791.99
      Total Contract Amount                  $1,205,521.49
Including the design cost of $199,250.61 and construction administration cost of $107,084.22, the total project cost was $1,511,856.32. Change order items included special construction methods near shallow utilities and the addition of paving work in the Heron Bay Assessment District area.
Budget Authority
Funding allocations for the subject project were as follows:
1)      $1,201,201.00 of Proposition 1B funding, Account No. 149-38-327, for design and pavement work appropriated in FY 2010-11;
2)      $100,939.56 of Measure B funding, Account No. 144-38-308, for pavement work appropriated in FY 2011-12;
3)      $36,900.00 of Water Pollution Control Plant Enterprise funding, Account No. 593-52-117 for sewer related work items appropriated in FY 2011-12;
4)      $42,600.00 of Development Fees for Street Improvements funding, Account No. 120-28-167 for speed cushions installed on Victoria Court and Victoria Avenue appropriated in FY 2011-12;
5)      $53,691.50 of General Funds under Account No. 210-18-132, for pavement work on Bancroft Avenue appropriated in FY 2011-12;
6)      $38,111.00 of Measure B funding, Account No. 144-38-285, for pavement work appropriated in FY 2011-12;
7)      $22,392.30 of Heron Bay Assessment District funds, Account No. 147-42-142, for the paving of a driveway for access to a marshlands area within the Heron Bay development appropriated in FY 2011-12; and
8)      $58,315.00 of General Funds under Account No. 210-38-289, for pavement work appropriated in FY 2011-12
PREPARED BY:  Kyle K. Lei, Associate Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department