File #: 20-114    Version: 1 Name: 2000 Marina Blvd Acceptance (SR)
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 4/20/2020 Final action: 4/20/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution to Accept the Public Improvements at 2000 Marina Boulevard (Overton Moore Properties dba 2000 Marina LLC)
Attachments: 1. Standard Public Improvement Agreement, 2. Performance Bond, 3. Labor and Materials Bond, 4. Photos
Related files: 20-115


Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution to Accept the Public Improvements at 2000 Marina Boulevard (Overton Moore Properties dba 2000 Marina LLC)





A new industrial building has been constructed at 2000 Marina Boulevard.  The developer entered into a Public Improvement Agreement to guarantee completion of new public improvements to support the development and integrate it into the City infrastructure.  These public improvements include:


                     10-feet of road widening along the north side of Marina Boulevard for approximately 911 feet consistent with the City’s adopted Plan Line;

                     Reconstruction of sidewalks and curb ramps;

                     Undergrounding of overhead utilities;

                     Installation of new streetlights and street trees;

                     Installation of new storm drain and sanitary sewer connections; and

                     New pavement markings including those that approach the railroad crossing on westbound Marina Boulevard.


Staff recommends the acceptance of the work by the developer, Overton Moore Properties dba 2000 Marina LLC, authorizing the City Manager to release the Performance and Labor and Materials bonds, and upon completion to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the one-year warranty period, to release the Maintenance Bond for the subject project.




The City approved redevelopment of the former Georgia Pacific gypsum plant at 2000 Marina Boulevard in 2018.  The approval allowed construction of a 297,200 square foot industrial building on the 13-acre parcel.  The developer, Overton Moore Properties dba 2000 Marina LLC, entered into a Standard Public Improvement Agreement dated July 12, 2018, that guaranteed improvements to the property’s roadway frontage consistent with the City’s adopted Master Plan of City Streets.  The master plan required a 10-foot right-of-way dedication and roadway widening, thus necessitating the undergrounding of overhead utilities together with other ancillary improvements such as new storm drainage systems, sidewalks and streetlights.  The right-of-way was conveyed via an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication recorded as Series No. 2018074252 on April 13, 2018 at the Alameda County Recorder’s Office.




The public improvements required of 2000 Marina LLC according to the Standard Public Improvement Agreement are now complete and ready for acceptance. The work was inspected and found in compliance with City standards. The Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond, each in the amount of $1,235,505.26 (Bond No. 024072489), can now be released.  A Maintenance Bond issued by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company (Bond No. 024235372) in the amount of $123,550.53 will guarantee the improvements during the required one-year warranty period in the event latent defects are discovered.


Current Agency Policies


                     Advance projects and programs promoting sustainable economic development, including transforming San Leandro into a center for innovation

                     Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure


Previous Actions


                     On April 6, 2017, the Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) approved the Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Review, subject to Conditions of Approval for PLN17-0005.

                     On June 18, 2018, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2018-063 authorizing the City Manager to execute a Standard Public Improvement Agreement with 2000 Marina LLC for required improvements to Marina Boulevard.


Applicable General Plan Policies


                     Policy T-1.2:  Keeping Pace with Growth. Improve transportation infrastructure at a rate that keeps pace with growth.

                     Policy T-1.3:  Mitigation of Development Impacts.  Require developers to address the impacts that their projects will have on the City’s transportation system.

                     Policy LU-10.4: Industrial Sanctuary. Protect the City’s major industrial areas from encroachment by uses that are potentially incompatible with existing viable industrial activities, or which may inhibit the ability of industry to operate effectively.

                     Policy ED-1.2:  Maintaining San Leandro’s Competitive Advantage.  Maintain and protect San Leandro’s inventory of larger scale industrial sites and buildings with easy access to freeways, rail, airports, and seaports.

                     Policy CD-6.1:  Promoting Quality Design.  Use the development review, zoning, and permitting processes to promote high quality architecture and site design. Design review guidelines and zoning standards should ensure that the mass and scale of new structures are compatible with adjacent structures.


Permits and/or Variances Granted


                     Building Permits B17-0613, B17-0818, and B18-2404.

                     Grading Permit G17-0008.


Fiscal Impacts


All applicable impact fees together with all costs incurred in implementing the required public improvements were paid by 2000 Marina LLC. There is no adverse fiscal impact from this project.




Attachments to Staff Report


                     Standard Public Improvement Agreement between the City of San Leandro 2000 Marina LLC

                     Performance Bond No. 024072489

                     Labor and Materials Bond No. 024072489

                     Project Photos


Attachment to Related Legislative File


                     Maintenance Bond No. 024235372 by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company in the amount of $123,550.53


PREPARED BY:  Michael Stella, P.E., Principal Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department