Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Enter into a Consulting Services Agreement with Schaaf and Wheeler for the design of Stormwater Trash Capture Devices, Project No. 2017.0540 in the Amount of $675,000; to Authorize Individual Amendments Up to 10% (or $67,500) of the Original Agreement; and to Authorize Cumulative Amendments Up to 30% (or $202,500) of the Original Agreement
• Public Safety
• Infrastructure
• Sustainability & Resiliency
Staff recommends that the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Consulting Services Agreement (CSA) with Schaaf and Wheeler Consulting Engineers for the civil engineering design of stormwater trash capture devices to meet the Trash Load Reduction Plan requirements of the Alameda County Clean Water Program.
Staff recommends the following actions:
• Authorize the City Manager to execute a Consulting Services Agreement (CSA) with Schaaf and Wheeler in the amount of $675,000.00;
• Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and approve individual agreement amendments up to 10% (or $67,500.00) of the original agreement amount; and
• Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and approve cumulative agreement amendments up to 30% (or $202,500.00) of the original agreement amount.
The San Francisco Municipal Regional Stormwater National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit CAS612008, Order No. R2-2022-0018, which became effective May 11, 2022 (referred to as MRP 3), introduced more stringent stormwater treatment and reporting requirements compared to the previous NPDES permit. One notable aspect of these new permit conditions can be found in section ‘C10,’ which pertains to 'Trash Load Reduction.' According to this section, permittees, primarily local agencies, are mandated to achieve either a 100% reduction from the trash load baseline of 2009 or ensure that there is no adverse impact on receiving water from trash by June 30, 2025.
In compliance with MRP 3, an updated Trash Load Reduction Plan was submitted to the Alameda County Clean Water Board and the State Water Board in July 2023. The plan involves the installation of 177 small point source storm drain inlet screens and 6 larger in-line storm drain trash capture devices. The inlet screens are designed to be field measured to fit the existing storm inlets and do not require special permits or detailed design documents for installation. In contrast, the larger, full trash capture devices (TCDs) addressed in this plan are notably larger in size, more expensive, and require site-specific design and permitting procedures.
In February 2023, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued to solicit proposals for the permitting and design of the trash capture devices. Three design firms responded with proposals for this project. Following a thorough evaluation, Engineering and Public Works staff ranked the proposals and conducted reference checks for each of the firms. Among the contenders, Schaaf and Wheeler emerged as the top ranked firm. Schaff and Wheeler were chosen as the most qualified candidate for this work based on discussions with their references and their extensive experience in similar projects.
The proposed agreement with Schaaf and Wheeler reflects the current understanding of the work requirements by Staff and encompasses essential tasks, including project management, hydraulic analysis, and field data collection. It also involves the preparation of a comprehensive design report, conducting an alternative review and selection process, generating construction bid drawings, handling the permitting process, and providing support during the bid phase. This contract provides a comprehensive approach to fulfilling the project's objectives and requirements.
This contract currently encompasses nominal structural design and permitting activities that are typically required of projects of this nature. A comprehensive review of permitting and structural design requirements will be conducted following the acceptance of the conceptual designs. Any costs associated with additional permitting or structural design needs identified during this phase will be addressed through negotiated consulting contract amendments as necessary.
Changes to the scope of contracts may be required to address new information or unexpected additional items of work essential for the successful completion of the project. In order to efficiently resolve these issues and prevent any delays in the finalization of the bid documents, staff requests authorization to issue individual contract amendments to the consultant up to 10%, or $67,500.00 each, and cumulative contract amendments not exceeding 30%, or $202,500.00 of the original contract amount. This approach allows for flexibility and ensures that the project can adapt to evolving needs while maintaining efficient progress.
Current Agency Policies
• Maintain and enhance the City’s infrastructure.
Applicable General Plan Policies
• Policy EH-4.1 Urban Runoff Control: Continue to implement water pollution control measures aimed at reducing pollution from urban runoff. These measures should emphasize best management practices by residents, businesses, contractors, and public agencies to ensure that surface water quality is maintained at levels that meet state and federal standards.
• Action EH-4.1.A: Trash Capture Devices Develop a funding plan for the installation and maintenance of trash capture devices on City storm drains, in order to comply with the unfunded State mandate for 100 percent trash capture in local storm drain systems.
• Policy EH-4.5 Public Works Maintenance. Continue, and if feasible expand, City Public Works maintenance activities, including scheduled street sweeping and cleaning of storm drains and culverts, to minimize pollution from surface runoff.
Permits and/or Variances Granted
Appropriate permits will be obtained for this work before construction of the project. The exact agencies will be determined based on the design details, but may include permits and approvals from the following agencies:
• San Leandro Community Development Department, Building Division
• Alameda County Flood Control District
• Alameda County Department of Environmental Health
• Army Corps of Engineers (including consultations with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
• Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC)
• San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB)
Environmental Review
Environmental review for this project will be performed per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) after completion of the design.
Code Compliance Review
Code compliance will be reviewed as appropriate during the construction permit review process with the San Leandro Community Development Department.
Financial Impacts
The cost of this contract, including potential contract amendments is $877,500.
The projected cost for the present project phase is as follows:
Consultant Contract for TCD Design $675,000
Consultant contract - Trash Load Reduction Plan $75,000
Installation of storm drain inlet screens (allowance) $80,000
Contingencies $202,500
Project management (City staff allowance) $58,800
Total Cost: $1,091,300
Additional funds will be requested for construction upon completion of the design as appropriate.
This Council action will not impact fund balance because there are sufficient funds available in the FY2023-2024 adopted budget for capital improvements for the subject contract:
• Capital Improvement Fund, Account 210-38-371: $91,300
• Capital Improvement Fund, Account 210-58-125: $1,000,000
• Total: $1,091,300
A: Resolution to Legistar Item 23-385
B: CSA Scope of Work
C: CSA Compensation Schedule
PREPARED BY: Mark Goralka, Associate Engineer, Public Works Department