File #: 12-337    Version: 1 Name: Facilities and Transportation Committee Highlights of June 13, 2012
Type: Minutes Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/2/2012 Final action: 7/2/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: ACCEPT: Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting Highlights of June 13, 2012
Attachments: 1. FCMII
ACCEPT:  Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting Highlights of June 13, 2012
June 13, 2012
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
San Leandro City Hall
835 East 14th Street
San Leandro, California
Sister Cities Gallery
Committee Members:      Councilmember Cutter, Vice Mayor Gregory, Councilmember Starosciak
City Staff Present:      Keith Cooke, Ken Joseph, Lianne Marshall, Tara Peterson, Nick Thom, Uche Udemezue
Outside Presenters:      None
Public Present:      None
The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m.  
1.      Discussion Regarding Standard Cell Site Lease
Tara Peterson gave a brief overview of the Standard Cell Site Lease Agreement.  Tara explained that the City had two objectives when drawing up the agreement.  The first objective was to establish a fee for processing the agreements so that all expenses incurred by the City of San Leandro could be recovered.  The second was to establish a standardized agreement to streamline the process, make it more efficient, and place the City in a stronger position to negotiate with the telecoms.  The first objective was met when Council approved the fee schedule for 2012-13.  For the second objective, an agreement was prepared by staff and reviewed by the City Attorney. Staff is asking the Committee to recommend that this agreement be approved by Council and that the rate schedule that is being inserted in the agreement also be approved.
Discussion ensued.  Staff responded to questions from the Committee.  Councilmember Gregory asked for more specifics regarding the rate schedule.  Tara listed the rates for the Committee.  Councilmember Cutter asked if there are separate rates based on the location of the cell towers.  Uche Udemezue explained that the location does not matter; the rates are the same.  Councilmember Cutter stated that she would like more time to review the lease agreement before forwarding a recommendation to the whole Council.
2.      Discussion Regarding 136th Avenue / Bancroft Signal Project
Keith Cooke gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Bancroft Avenue and 136th Avenue Traffic Signal Project.  He explained that staff secured a Safe Routes to School Grant.  Part of the grant included funding for educational programs.  He discussed the proposed improvements to the intersection.  A signal will be installed, the sidewalks will be widened at the intersection, and there will be an all-pedestrian phase for crossing during school hours.  The total cost for the project is $517,000.  Signals will be operational the week of August 24th.  Staff is working with the principal of the high school to provide education to students on the new traffic system.  The Police Department will be participating during the kick-off week and staff plans to attend a PTA meeting to educate parents.  
Discussion ensued.  Staff responded to questions from the Committee.  Councilmember Cutter asked if there are right turns allowed during the all-pedestrian phase.  Keith stated that there is no car movement at all during the phase.  Councilmember Starosciak asked if there will be a traffic analysis done on how long it takes to get through the intersection before and after the project is in place.  Keith stated that staff will definitely be doing an analysis of the level of service.  
Councilmember Starosciak asked if any parking will be eliminated due to the project.  Keith stated that the parking will stay the same.  Councilmember Gregory asked if there will be any treatment to the hardscape.  Keith stated that nothing decorative will be done, but there is some striping work planned.  Councilmember Gregory stated that there should be a grand opening for the project.
3.      Discussion Regarding AC Transit BRT Project
Uche Udemezue gave a brief overview of the recent developments regarding AC Transit BRT.  He explained that AC Transit presented options for the project and there is still one outstanding issue that needs to be resolved.  Staff plans to bring the project to the Work Session on July 9th.  It will be up to the Council to decide which option it believes works best for San Leandro.
Discussion ensued.  Staff responded to questions from the Committee.  Councilmember Cutter stated that she envisioned a special signal phase included in the project.  She also stated that her understanding is that if there is no dedicated lane, the project should not be called BRT.  Keith stated that because there is a dedicated lane included in part of the project, it is considered a BRT project.  Councilmember Cutter stated that she assumed that although the BRT would currently terminate at the San Leandro BART, there would be an option to extend it in the future to Bayfair BART and possibly Kaiser.  Uche stated that the Council could make that vision one of its conditions of approval for the project.
Councilmember Starosciak stated that she is really impressed by how much was accomplished by staff and AC Transit at the May 31st meeting.  Keith stated that the BRT will be formally presented at the July 16th City Council meeting.  Councilmember Starosciak stated that she would like AC Transit to be invited to attend the Work Session on July 9th.  Uche stated that staff would present various options for the Council to consider at the July 16th meeting. Along with those options, staff would offer some examples of conditions that the Council could attach to any options it decides upon.
4.      Project Updates / Discussion
Committee members reviewed a Project Update list.  Staff responded to questions from the Committee.  Councilmember Cutter asked what the goal is for East 14th Street and 150th Avenue.  She asked if there is going to be a new turn configuration.  Uche stated that one more lane will be added to two intersection approaches to make turns easier.  He explained that there will also be an aesthetic enhancement element to the project.  Councilmember Cutter asked what the Hesperian/Springlake Railroad crossing project entailed.  Keith explained that the project was for pedestrian safety improvement.  Wider sidewalks will be constructed all the way around the crossing, thus making it easier for pedestrians to cross the railroad tracks.  Councilmember Cutter asked if the same thing is being done at Washington and Monterey.  Keith stated that modern signal equipment will be installed there.  
Councilmember Starosciak asked if the redundant fiber ring construction will shut down any lanes.  Keith explained that no streets will be closed, but there may be some blockage in lanes.  Councilmember Starosciak asked if the Davis Street and Marina Boulevard overpasses are on the Caltrans project list.  Keith stated that they are on the list and will be discussed in the winter quarter.  
5.      Public Comments
6.      Committee Member Comments
Councilmember Cutter thanked staff for the work on BRT.  
Councilmember Starosciak thanked staff for the updates on WW Grant Fund.
7.      Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 5:14 p.m.