Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to paint curbs, move parking meters and install parking stall pavement markings on East 14th Street near Parrott Street and Elsie Avenue in compliance with California’s new Intersection Daylighting Law (AB 413)
• Public Safety
• Infrastructure
Public Works will paint red curbs, move parking meters and install parking stall markings on East 14th Street near Parrott Street and Elsie Avenue in compliance with California’s new Daylighting Law (AB 413), which prohibits the stopping, standing, or parking of a vehicle within 20 feet of the vehicle approach side of any unmarked or marked crosswalk or within 15 feet of any crosswalk where a curb extension is present. The City will make similar modifications within City Right of Way to comply with the new law.
Within State Right of Way, California Vehicle Code 22506 requires that the local City Council pass a resolution or ordinance approving the requested parking or stopping restrictions.
Staff recommends the following modifications to parking and stopping restrictions within State Right of Way:
1) On the west side of East 14th Street between Parrott Street and Pelton Plaza, remove three (3) unused parking meter poles, paint twenty feet (20’) of red curb, relocate two (2) parking meters, and install six (6) parking stall markings; and
2) On the east side of East 14th Street at the southeast corner of Elsie Avenue, paint twenty feet (20’) of red curb.
California’s new Daylighting Law (AB 413), which went into effect on January 1, 2025, prohibits the stopping, standing, or parking of a vehicle within 20 feet of the vehicle approach side of any unmarked or marked crosswalk or within 15 feet of any crosswalk where a curb extension is present. There are two areas along East 14th Street that require modifications to parking meter locations and curb and pavement markings to comply with the new Daylighting Law. These segments of East 14th Street, just north of Parrott Street and along the east side of East 14th Street just south of Elsie Avenue, are under the jurisdiction of CalTrans. California Vehicle Code Section 22506 requires that the City Council pass a resolution or ordinance approving any parking or stopping restrictions on roadways within State Right-Of-Way.
The relocation of parking meters and painting of curbs and parking stall markings are recommended to comply with California’s new Daylighting Law (AB 413). The proposed action would advance General Plan Policy T-3.6, Policy T-3.7 Pedestrian Environment which calls for improving the walkability of all streets in San Leandro through the planning, implementing, and maintaining of pedestrian supportive infrastructure.
Permits and/or Variances Granted
A CalTrans encroachment permit is required for the proposed work. A City Council resolution/ordinance is also required by CalTrans.
Summary of Public Outreach Efforts
The City released an informational video on the City’s social media platforms on January 7, 2025 informing citizens about AB 413 and the new daylighting requirements.
Financial Impacts
Sufficient Development Fee for Street Improvements funds are anticipated to carry over into Fiscal Year 2024-2025 for Neighborhood Traffic Calming:
• Street/Traffic Improvement Fund, Account 120-38-422: $2,000
Sufficient Parking Funds are available for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 for Parking Meter Operations:
• Parking Meter Operations - Equipment Maintenance and Repair, Account 132-35-002: $15,000
This Council action will not impact fund balance as funds were previously appropriated.
Attachment A: Resolution
Attachment B: Exhibit Of Modifications
PREPARED BY: Jim Van Slyke, Senior Engineering Aide, Public Works