Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Award a Construction Contract to Silman Industries in the Amount of $96,579 for the Washington Manor Park Pool Tower Repair, Project No. 2023.3400 to Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Individual Change Orders Up to 10% (or $9,658) of the Original Contract Amount; and to Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Cumulative Change Orders Up to 25% (or $24,144) of the Original Contract Amount
• Infrastructure
This contract will provide for the repair and rehabilitation of the water slide tower for the Washington Manor Park swimming pool.
Staff recommends the following actions:
• Award a construction contract in the amount of $96,579 to Silman Industries;
• Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and approve individual change orders up to 10% (or $9,658) of the original contract amount; and
• Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and approve change orders up to a cumulative amount of 25% (or $24,144) of the original contract amount.
The current Washington Manor Park swimming pool was constructed in 2005 but has been closed to public use since 2022 because of observed deterioration of the swimming pool and associated play structures. Staff started developing plans for the resurfacing of the pool and other appurtenances and identified certain facilities such as the water slide tower that will need to be repaired and rehabilitated before starting the main pool resurfacing work.
On October 18, 2023, the City opened bids for the subject project. Two (2) bids were received ranging from $96,579 to $99,019. The engineer’s estimate for the project was $93,450. Staff recommends the award of the contract to Silman Industries. The bid is found to be responsive, and Staff has verified that the contractor’s license is current with the Contracts State License Board, as well as their registration with the California Department of Industrial Relations.
This project is not subject to the provisions of the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA) because its cost is below the $1,000,000 threshold. The low bidder, Silman Industries, is a San Leandro based contractor, which complies with the Local Inclusion Policy Ordinance.
In adherence to standard practices in the construction industry, Staff has carefully weighed the cost and benefits associated with conducting a thorough site investigation against the potential cost of changes during construction due to unforeseen conditions. As a result, changes to the scope of the contract may occur due to new or unexpected additional items that are essential for the successful completion of the project.
To minimize project delays, ensure flexibility to adapt to unforeseen conditions, and deliver a project of the utmost quality, Staff requests that the City Council authorize the City Manager, or her designee to negotiate and approve individual change orders of up to 10% (or $9,658) of the original contract amount. Furthermore, Staff requests the authorization to negotiate and approve cumulative change orders of up to 25% (equivalent to $24,144) of the original contract amount. This allowance within the contract will expedite the project's efficient completion while adhering to the budget and schedule.
Current Agency Policies
• Maintain and enhance City’s infrastructures.
Applicable General Plan Policies
• Policy OSC-1.1: Park Rehabilitation. Encourage the rehabilitation of City’s parks to provide residents of all ages and physical capabilities with access to as wide a variety of recreational experiences as possible. Park improvements should maintain a balance between active and passive recreation areas and should ensure that the park system benefits a diverse range of user groups.
• Policy OSC-1.4: Priority on Renovation. Where cost savings and equivalent benefits would be achieved, rehabilitate existing recreational facilities before building entirely new facilities. A priority should be placed on renovating athletic fields and swimming pools, improving energy efficiency, and replacing outdated facilities with new facilities that are safe, attractive, and more responsive to current needs.
Environmental Review
This project is Categorically Exempt per the California Environmental Act (CEQA) Section 15301c of the CEQA guidelines. A Notice of Exemption was filed with the Alameda County Recorder’s Office on September 26, 2023.
Code Compliance Review
The work will be done under the following permits:
• A building permit from the City’s Community Development Department
• A permit from Cal OSHA
Summary of Public Outreach Efforts
A Notice to Bidders was published on the City’s website. Staff also notified local builder’s exchanges, construction data firms and a list of contractors that asked to be notified of bidding opportunities via emails.
A pre-bid meeting was held on October 12, 2023, with potential bidders.
Financial Impacts
The total estimated project cost for the Washington Manor Park Pool renovation including the water slide tower is as follows:
Design, Permits and Bid $204,200.00
Rehabilitate Water Slide Tower $96,579.00
Rehabilitate Water Slide (est.) $99,888.00
Furnish and Install Play Structure $417,264.00
Resurface Pool and Appurtenances (est.) $1,530,000.00
Construction Contingencies $24,144.00
Construction Management and Inspection $102,980.00
Project Total $2,475,055.00
Sufficient funds are included in the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget for this project as follows:
• General Fund, Account 210-62-002 $6,188,748
This Council action will not impact fund balance because there are sufficient funds available in FY2023-2024 adopted budget.
• Attachment A: Resolution
• Attachment B: Bid Summary
PREPARED BY: Austine Osakwe, Senior Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department