File #: 20-256    Version: 1 Name: SR - NPSA - GoGo Technologies
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/15/2020 Final action: 6/15/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution to Authorize the City Manager to Approve a Non-Professional Services Agreement with GoGo Technologies, Inc. to Provide Dispatch and Concierge Services to FLEX RIDES On Demand Members Through Fiscal Year 2020-21 At a Cost Not to Exceed $100,000 Utilizing Measure B and Measure BB Funds, and to Authorize Appropriation of $100,000 in Funding from the Special Grant Fund Reserves to the Paratransit Operating Accounts for Fiscal Year 2020-21.
Related files: 20-257


Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution to Authorize the City Manager to Approve a Non-Professional Services Agreement with GoGo Technologies, Inc. to Provide Dispatch and Concierge Services to FLEX RIDES On Demand Members Through Fiscal Year 2020-21 At a Cost Not to Exceed $100,000 Utilizing Measure B and Measure BB Funds, and to Authorize Appropriation of $100,000 in Funding from the Special Grant Fund Reserves to the Paratransit Operating Accounts for Fiscal Year 2020-21.





Staff recommends that City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Non-Professional Services Agreement with GoGo Technologies, Inc. to coordinate and dispatch Transportation Network Company (TNC) transportation services for the FLEX RIDES On-Demand program effective July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.




The City of Hayward acted as the lead agency in a subsidized Taxi Voucher Program that provided door to door services for paratransit riders that was also utilized by City of San Leandro Paratransit Program members from July 2014 through October 2018.  The service model was a same day, wheelchair accessible transportation service that provided a limited number of subsidized same-day taxi rides to enrolled participants of the Hayward and San Leandro Paratransit Programs.


In order to be eligible for the Taxi Voucher program riders have to be an enrolled participant of the Hayward or San Leandro Paratransit Program, be 70+ years old and/or certified with East Bay Paratransit. Each voucher cost $3.50 and subsidizes up to $14 of taxi meter fare. A maximum of 150 taxi vouchers can be purchased in a year and can only be used with the designated taxi companies that are contracted to provide this service.


Increasingly, the shift in the door to door transportation industry away from taxis to TNCs (such as Uber and Lyft) has made it increasingly difficult for the San Leandro Paratransit Program members to rely on the Taxi Voucher Program.  Accordingly, last year the City of Hayward replaced the Taxi Voucher Program with an on-demand ride program utilizing a “concierge” service that provides Uber and Lyft rides to paratransit members. A concierge organization assists in assuring the specific paratransit needs of the requesting rider are met by Lyft and Uber.  Currently, 235 members of the FLEX RIDES Paratransit Program for FY 2020 qualify for FLEX RIDES On-Demand.








The goal of the FLEX RIDES On-Demand program is to deliver quality on-demand services to San Leandro residents, including being on-time and providing proper customer service to riders. Senior Services staff receives ongoing feedback from current riders regarding the satisfaction of FLEX RIDES On-Demand service, as well as accepts feedback from yearly focus groups and written surveys.


The current partnership with Hayward presents some challenges for San Leandro to meet the demands of FLEX RIDES Paratransit members, accessibility to program data, and oversight of program budget. As a result, staff is recommending the City enter into a service agreement with GoGo Technologies, Inc. to provide San Leandro with the independence and flexibility to tailor the FLEX RIDES On-Demand to meet the specific needs of our staff and community.


Fiscal Impacts and Budget Authority


The total compensation for this agreement shall not exceed $100,000, based on a $3/member/month fee, $0.27 a minute (length of trip) fee for trip oversight by the consultant, and the subsidized amount of $16 per ride. The compensation will be funded by voter-approved Alameda County Measures B and BB. Appropriated funds for the Paratransit program are included in the FY 2021 adopted budget, in accounts 150-36-001-5640 and 150-36-002-5640.


Projected Annual Cost for Consultant’s Fee per Minute in Vehicle                     $ 15,000

Projected Annual Cost for Active Rider Fee                                                                                    $ 11,700

Projected Annual Cost for Per Ride Subsidy                                                                                    $ 73,300

Total for Projected Costs                                                                                                                                                   $100,000

Staff is recommending City Council approve the appropriation of $100,000 from the Special Revenue Fund 150 to the Paratransit operating accounts 150-36-001-5640 and 150-36-002-5640 for Fiscal Year 2020-21 to be ultimately funded by Measures B and BB.




PREPARED BY:  Susan Criswell, Recreation Supervisor, Recreation and Human Services