File #: 12-117    Version: 1 Name: Rules and Communications Committee Highlights
Type: Minutes Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/19/2012 Final action: 3/19/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Rules and Communications Committee Meeting Highlights of January 24, 2012
Attachments: 1. 01242012Rules&Comm.pdf, 2. ADA Self Eval and Transition Plan Executive Summary.pdf, 3. 2011 Improvements to Public Access.pdf, 4. 2012 Items for CC Rules Committee.pdf, 5. Rules 012412 Sign in sheet.pdf
Rules and Communications Committee Meeting Highlights of January 24, 2012
January 24, 2012
4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
San Leandro City Hall
835 East l4th Street
San Leandro, California
(Sister Cities Gallery)
Committee Members
present:      Mayor Stephen Cassidy, Councilmembers  Jim Prola and Ursula Reed
City Staff present:      Nick Corti, Police Officer, Traffic Division; Jacqui Diaz, Interim Assistant City Manager; Marian Handa, City Clerk; Lianne Marshall, Interim City Manager; Kathy Ornelas, Community Relations Representative
Public present:      None
Mayor Cassidy called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.  
1.      Review of Amended Parking Regulations for Oversized Vehicles
Ms. Ornelas introduced Officer Nick Corti, who was representing the Police Traffic Division on behalf of Lieutenant Jim Lemmon, who was unable to attend the meeting.  Ms. Ornelas mentioned a parking issue on East Juana Avenue involving a recreational vehicle (RV), which has been resolved.  Officer Corti provided an update on the amended permit process for RVs, which was adopted in 2011.  He reported that there have been no complaints from RV owners since the permit changes were implemented.
Committee members commented on the new regulations.  Since there have been few problems, the Committee agreed that no further changes should be made.
2.      Discussion Regarding ADA Self Evaluation Plan Update
Ms. Ornelas reported that the City prepared and adopted its original Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation and Transition Plans in 1995.  The City undertook a voluntary update of the Plans at the suggestion of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). All departments participated in the update.
Ms. Ornelas distributed copies of the ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan Update Executive Summary, and provided the Committee with an overview of the findings and recommendations contained in the Update.  Mayor Cassidy suggested that the ADA complaint process be made available on the City's website; Ms. Ornelas indicated that it is already available on the website.
Ms. Ornelas requested the Committee's concurrence to distribute the ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plans for community input.  The Committee concurred with the request.
3.      Review of Actions Taken in 2011 to Improve Transparency and Public Access to Government
Ms. Diaz reviewed the list of changes implemented in 2011 to improve public access to City government.
A question was raised as to whether the school districts have submitted videos for broadcast on Channel 15.  Staff will research and report back.
Mayor Cassidy commented that a lot of actions are being taken, such as the Library's newly created Facebook page, but the information and communication about them could be better coordinated.  He suggested this as a possible topic for the Council retreat.  Mayor Cassidy commented on the need for a public information officer, but acknowledged that other staffing needs (ex: Human Resources Director; Finance Director) are a higher priority at this time.
Councilmember Prola noted that a lot of information is provided on the City website; however, we cannot force residents to receive it.  The Committee asked how many people have subscribed to e-Notify.  Staff will research and report the information back at a future meeting.
The Committee suggested additional ideas for public access and community engagement, including:
·      A live demonstration of InSite, a site that merges the Council agendas, staff reports, minutes, and digital audio files on one searchable webpage
·      Displaying the current Council group photo in the most prominent location (at the entrance to the Council Chamber)
·      Distributing flyers at local churches for Coffee with the Mayor for the Spanish and Chinese speaking communities
·      Holding town hall meetings on the Shoreline and Lit San Leandro projects
·      Holding town hall meetings at the Marina Community Center and Senior Community Center on topics such as economic development
·      Holding Council work sessions at schools or other locations in the community
Members agreed that the Joint Council/School Board meeting with the San Leandro and San Lorenzo School Boards worked well, with good attendance and savings of staff time.
4.      Review List of Future Items
The Committee reviewed the list of pending items, and made the following suggestions/assignments:
·      Continued Discussion Regarding Special Event Permits and Processes-Report back to Committee with a reasonable timeframe for consideration of the item
·      Review of Agenda Management/Streaming Audio/Video recording of Council Meetings/Use of PEG funds-update in June 2012
·      Creation of a City Council Sustainability Committee-Deferred indefinitely
·      Providing Board and Commission Members with Notification of Important Community Meetings-May 2012
·      Continued Discussion of Streamlining Reporting Out of Council Committee Highlights and Recommendations-Staff to research and report back
·      Review of Bid Process for Businesses Located Within the City of San Leandro-tentatively scheduled for February 2012
Members acknowledged it may not be reasonable to consider the bid process item in February, as Finance staff will be involved with the budget and the wind down of the Redevelopment Agency.
5.      Public Comments
6.      Committee Member Comments
7.      Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.