File #: 16-321    Version: 1 Name: Draft General Plan Update Work Session
Type: Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning Commission
Meeting Date: 6/16/2016 Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Work Session on the Draft 2035 San Leandro General Plan
Attachments: 1. Draft General Plan_PC 061616
Related files: 16-324, 16-405, 16-341
Work Session on the Draft 2035 San Leandro General Plan

This is an informational report only and no Planning Commission action is required. However, staff is seeking comments from the Planning Commission and the public regarding the Draft 2035 General Plan at this Work Session.

The City of San Leandro released a Draft General Plan for public review on June 1, 2016. Nine study sessions with the Planning Commission were held in 2014 and 2015 to guide development of the Plan. The study sessions focused on specific Plan elements (such as Housing and Transportation) and the General Plan Map. The June 16 study session will be an opportunity to review the Public Review Draft document in its entirety, and to hear public comment on the Draft Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). A review of the DEIR and proposed zoning changes (to be made concurrently with the General Plan) also will be provided at this session.

The Draft General Plan may be found on the City of San Leandro General Plan 2035 website at and copies may be reviewed at the San Leandro Main Library (located at 300 Estudillo Avenue) and the City's Community Development Department at 835 E. 14th Street. Staff will also make a presentation on the Draft Plan, DEIR and related zoning changes to the City Council at its regular meeting on July 5, 2016.


Every city and county in California is required to prepare a general plan guiding its future growth. State law requires that general plans include the following seven elements:
> Land Use
> Transportation
> Housing
> Open Space
> Conservation
> Safety
> Noise
San Leandro has incorporated these elements and also added the following "optional" elements to its Plan:1
> Economic Development
> Historic Preservation and Community Design
> Community Services and Facilities.
The Housing Element of the General Plan stands alone a...

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