File #: 16-416    Version: 1 Name: Appropriation of Funds for Existing Projects- Reso
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 9/19/2016 Final action: 9/19/2016
Enactment date: 9/19/2016 Enactment #: Reso 2016-121
Title: RESOLUTION Extending the Appropriation of Capital Funds for Existing Projects in Accordance with the City Charter (extends previous appropriations for five years and prevents said appropriations from returning to fund balance at the present time)
Attachments: 1. Project List
Related files: 16-415


RESOLUTION Extending the Appropriation of Capital Funds for Existing Projects in Accordance with the City Charter (extends previous appropriations for five years and prevents said appropriations from returning to fund balance at the present time)



WHEREAS, section 520 of the Charter for the City of San Leandro specifies that appropriations to capital funds may be carried for not more than five fiscal years; and


WHEREAS, a list of projects with capital funds originally allocated more than five years ago has been presented to this City Council; and


WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends that funding must be appropriated for the listed projects for several reasons, including but not limited to completion of the projects, and to not risk the return of grant monies to grant funders for failure to comply with grant funding requirements.


NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows:


That the funds listed in the exhibit, which is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution, are appropriated for the projects and purposes named in the exhibit.