File #: 15-204    Version: 1 Name: Fiber Conduit Network Increase CO Cap (SR)
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/15/2015 Final action: 6/15/2015
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution to Increase the Construction Contract Change Order Cap from 25% to 40% (from $331,337 to $530,140; a Change Order Cap Increase of $198,803) for the Fiber Conduit for Broadband Network Project to Maximize the Expenditure of Available Economic Development Agency Grant Funds, Project No. 2013.0320
Related files: 15-205
Staff Report for a Resolution to Increase the Construction Contract Change Order Cap from 25% to 40% (from $331,337 to $530,140; a Change Order Cap Increase of $198,803) for the Fiber Conduit for Broadband Network Project to Maximize the Expenditure of Available Economic Development Agency Grant Funds, Project No. 2013.0320


Staff recommends that the City Council increase the Change Order Cap from 25% to 40% (from $331,337 to $530,140; a change order cap increase of $198,803) for the subject project; the project budget has sufficient allocations to fund the increased cost and maximize the expenditure of available Economic Development Agency Grant Funds.


In partnership with Lit San Leandro and to promote business development in the City, this project will expand high speed communication infrastructure into underserved industrial areas. Specifically, the project will expand the City's communications network by installing approximately seven miles of conduit ready to receive fiber optic cable.

Bids received were below the Engineer's estimate, which left grant funding available for installation of additional conduit. To make use of the remaining grant funding, Staff issued revised construction drawings that increased the amount of fiber optic facilities installed by adding conduit on Hester Street to serve more of the industrial area and adding conduit between City Hall and the Main Library to provide needed redundancy for resilient city communications.

This project is funded by a grant from the United States Economic Development Agency (EDA), Developer Fees for Street Improvements, and City of San Leandro General Funds.


The additional conduit added to the project is approximately 3,800 lineal feet and will provide a path for high speed communications service to additional commercial properties and needed redundancy for resilient communications. The added conduit rais...

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