File #: 14-541    Version: 1 Name: BART Parking Mitigation
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 12/15/2014 Final action: 12/15/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving $50,000 to Fund Downtown BART Parking Mitigation Measures
Related files: 14-517, 14-542
Staff Report for a Resolution Approving $50,000 to Fund Downtown BART Parking Mitigation Measures


The construction of The Cornerstone and San Leandro Tech Campus, while beneficial for the City in the long term, will have an approximately 18-month impact on BART parking. Over the past three months, efforts have been made to educate BART patrons on transportation and parking alternatives during the temporary closure of the BART surface parking lot on the East side of San Leandro Boulevard. To mitigate the impact on BART parkers who may choose to park in the Downtown parking garage, a pilot shuttle program is proposed. $50,000 in funding is recommended for the shuttle program and potential lighting improvement or other mitigation measures.


Following seven years of planning, construction of Phase I of both The Cornerstone and San Leandro Tech Campus (SLTC) is beginning in December 2014. These projects, being developed on two key opportunity sites, will bring the greater density envisioned in the City's award winning Transit-Oriented Development Strategy to the transit rich Downtown.

Phase I of The Cornerstone, constructed by BRIDGE Housing Corporation, is comprised of a 5-story building with 115 family affordable/workforce housing units over an underground parking garage. Phase I of SLTC, constructed by Westlake Urban, will be a 6-story, 132,000 square feet Class A office building and parking garage. The new office building will enable OSIsoft to expand and retain its world headquarters in San Leandro.

These projects together represent a $130 million investment in Downtown San Leandro and will bring more than 750 construction jobs. The Cornerstone is scheduled to be completed in Spring 2016. The SLTC is projected to complete construction in Summer 2016.

While both projects will move San Leandro forward toward its vision of a more vibrant Downtown with additional residents and office w...

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