RESOLUTION 2021-008 of the Planning Commission Recommending that the City Council Adopt an Ordinance Amending the San Leandro Zoning Code by Adding Chapter 3.34, MHP Mobile Home Park Overlay District, and Amending Chapter 5.28, Mobile Home Park Conversions, and Amending the San Leandro Zoning Map to Apply the MHP Overlay Zone to Existing Mobile Home Sites
WHEREAS, the State of California recognizes, by the adoption of special legislation regulating tenancies of mobile home owners in mobile home parks, that there is a significant difference between homeowners in mobile home parks and other dwelling units; and
WHEREAS, owners of mobile homes in mobile home parks, unlike apartment tenants or residents of other rental housing stock, are in the unique position of having made a substantial investment in a residence that is located on property that is either rented or leased and not owned; and
WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro has nine (9) mobile home parks with a total of approximately eight hundred fifty-five (855) spaces located within the City limits. These spaces represent a significant portion of the affordable housing supply within the City; and
WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro General Plan, Chapter 6, Housing Element provides for the following goals and actions:
1. Conservation of Mobile Home Parks. Promote the conservation and rehabilitation of mobile home parks without displacing tenants or reducing the number of affordable units. Mobile home parks should be recognized as an important affordable housing resource for San Leandro's seniors and low-income households (Policy 56.08).
2. Mobile Home Rent Stabilization. Consider adopting a mobile home rent stabilization ordinance similar to the agreement currently in effect for Mission Bay (Action 56.08-B) (The agreement would apply more broadly to residents of all mobile home parks in the city and help protect the city's existing supply ...
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