File #: 20-525    Version: 1 Name: SR Bay Fair TOD Zoning CC Hearing
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 12/7/2020 Final action: 12/7/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Consideration of an Ordinance Adopting Chapter 2.10, Bay Fair Transit Oriented Development (B-TOD), to the San Leandro Zoning Code and Related Amendments to the Zoning Code, Zoning Map, Municipal Code; and Consideration of a Resolution Adopting Amendments to the Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Specific Plan, and General Plan, and Adopting an Addendum to the Certified Final Environmental Impact Report Prepared for the 2018 Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan (Implementation of 2018 Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan).
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1 - Redlined Zoning Code Amendments, 2. Attachment 2 - Zoning Map Amendments, 3. Attachment 3 - Redlined Muni Code Amendments, 4. Attachment 4 - Redlined Draft Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan Amendments, 5. Attachment 5 - Redlined General Plan Text Amendments, 6. Attachment 6 - General Plan Land Use Map Amendments, 7. 5A Bay Fair Zoning Presentation- 12.7.20 CC Hearing
Related files: 20-526, 20-527, 21-550, 23-116
Staff Report for Consideration of an Ordinance Adopting Chapter 2.10, Bay Fair Transit Oriented Development (B-TOD), to the San Leandro Zoning Code and Related Amendments to the Zoning Code, Zoning Map, Municipal Code; and Consideration of a Resolution Adopting Amendments to the Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Specific Plan, and General Plan, and Adopting an Addendum to the Certified Final Environmental Impact Report Prepared for the 2018 Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan (Implementation of 2018 Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan).


Staff recommends that the City Council introduce an Ordinance 1) adopting Chapter 2.10, Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (B-TOD), to the San Leandro Zoning Code and related amendments to the Zoning Code, Zoning Map, and Municipal Code; 2) Adopt a Resolution approving amendments to the Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Specific Plan, and General Plan; and 3) determine that the proposed project was adequately analyzed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) by the Addendum to the Certified Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan EIR (SCH#2017032016).

The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendments and unanimously recommended approval to the City Council on November 5, 2020, with minor amendments to the implementation plan to reflect that bike lanes along Hesperian Blvd. and Fairmont Drive are intended to be "protected" rather than "buffered,".


In 2014, the City of San Leandro received a highly competitive $440,000 Priority Development Area (PDA) planning grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to prepare the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan (Specific Plan) and related Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The City also contributed local funds and in-kind contributions along with contributions from BART, Madison Marquette (the owner of the Bayfair Center), and Alameda County.

The Specific Plan Area covers 154 acres primarily comprised...

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