File #: 13-295    Version: 1 Name: BRT O&M Agreement - Approve SR
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/17/2013 Final action: 6/17/2013
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Resolution Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Operations and Maintenance (O & M) Agreement with Alameda-Contra Costa Transit (AC Transit) for the AC Transit East Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Facilities Within the City of San Leandro
Related files: 13-296
Staff Report for Resolution Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Operations and Maintenance (O & M) Agreement with Alameda-Contra Costa Transit (AC Transit) for the AC Transit East Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Facilities Within the City of San Leandro


This agreement defines the scope of the operations and maintenance (O & M) of the BRT facilities within the City of San Leandro.

Staff recommends City Council approval of the O & M Agreement for the BRT facilities within San Leandro.


The Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit) East Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project is proposed to provide high quality, fast, and frequent express bus service between downtown Oakland and San Leandro. In San Leandro, the alignment runs along East 14th Street to Davis Street, then onto San Leandro Boulevard to the San Leandro BART Station. Eight (8) of the 32 BRT stations are within San Leandro, with one of them located in the median and the others located in curb extensions or sidewalk plazas with level station boarding and ticket stations. Basic features of the proposed BRT system include transit priority at all signalized intersections, new passenger stations with ticket vending machines, shelters, a combination of mixed-flow from Garcia Avenue to the BART Station, and dedicated travel lanes between Durant Avenue and Garcia Avenue.

On June 23, 2010, the AC Transit Board of Directors selected a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) based on the recommendations from various cities and public input at various public meetings. This LPA was also based on funding, community acceptance, and BRT operational issues, including transportation-related impacts. The BRT was initially planned to start from north Berkeley and terminate at the San Leandro BART Station, with the same features and alignment as the LPA. However, this plan was dropped due to capital costs and environmental imp...

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