File #: 12-125    Version: 1 Name: Zoning Amendments to Industrial Zones
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/19/2012 Final action: 3/19/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Consideration of Zoning Code Amendments Pertaining to Various Changes to the Industrial Limited, Industrial General and Industrial Park Zoning Districts and Creation of Industrial Limited (Assembly Use Overlay), Industrial General (Assembly Use Overlay), and Industrial Park (Assembly Use Overlay) Zoning Use Designation Lists Related to Assembly Uses, Commercial Recreation and Entertainment Activities (Agenda item was continued from the February 21, 2012 City Council meeting.)
Attachments: 1. Table 1 Existing Zoning Code and Proposed Zoning Changes, 2. Maps for City Council 3-19-12, 3. FAQs zoning code changes 031912.PDF
Related files: 12-131
Staff Report for Consideration of Zoning Code Amendments Pertaining to Various Changes to the Industrial Limited, Industrial General and Industrial Park Zoning Districts and Creation of Industrial Limited (Assembly Use Overlay), Industrial General (Assembly Use Overlay), and Industrial Park (Assembly Use Overlay) Zoning Use Designation Lists Related to Assembly Uses, Commercial Recreation and Entertainment Activities (Agenda item was continued from the February 21, 2012 City Council meeting.)


At the February 21, 2012 meeting, the City Council approved Zoning Code Amendments in the Commercial Districts related to Assembly Uses and Cultural Institutions. The City Council closed the public hearing, did not take action on the proposed changes in the Industrial Districts related to Assembly Uses, Commercial Recreation and Entertainment Activities, referred the matter to the City Council Rules and Communications Committee for further study, and scheduled continuation of the agenda item to the City Council’s March 19, 2012 regular meeting. At the City Council Rules and Communications Committee meeting on March 1, 2012, the Committee considered clarifications to the February 21, 2012 staff report for this item and heard public testimony. After discussion, the Committee referred the matter back to the City Council as a whole, without recommendation, for further discussion at the March 19, 2012 regular meeting.

Staff recommends that the City Council:

A. Adopt the Negative Declaration; and

B. Adopt the Ordinance approving the Zoning Code Amendments related to Sections 2-704, 2-706, 2-708, 2-710, 2-712 and 2-714 of Article 7 of the City of San Leandro Zoning Code, which adopts the recommended changes to the Industrial Zones.

C. Direct staff to review the current Assembly Use Overlay Criteria for possible modification and area expansion.

This proposal provides a balanced, citywide approach to providing industrial employment oppo...

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