File #: 16-534    Version: 1 Name: SLMO SS - ACM
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 10/17/2016 Final action: 10/17/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Amending the San Leandro Management Organization (SLMO) Salary Schedule to Add the Classification of Assistant City Manager
Related files: 16-535
Staff Report for a Resolution Amending the San Leandro Management Organization (SLMO) Salary Schedule to Add the Classification of Assistant City Manager

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution to amend the salary schedule of the San Leandro Management Organization (SLMO) to add the classification of Assistant City Manager.

The Assistant City Manager classification was historically a part of the San Leandro Management Organization (SLMO) bargaining group. In November 2012, the classification was removed from SLMO when an individual employment agreement was negotiated with Assistant City Manager Lianne Marshall. At that time, the City was experiencing significant staffing changes at the executive management level, and the employment agreement for Assistant City Manager was executed as part of a retention effort of this key executive position. Assistant City Manager Marshall retired on April 30, 2016.

The separation of the previous Assistant City Manager provides an opportunity to return the classification to the management organization where the classification will reside with all other department head and mid-manager classifications. The position would receive the same benefits and terms as provided in the SLMO Memorandum of Understanding.
This position is currently being filled with an acting assignment. Before a new appointment can be made into the position, the salary range must be approved by the City Council. Staff recommends that Assistant City Manager classification be set at a salary range of $164,784 - $200,292 annually (range 1).
The City has conferred with SLMO to agree that the Assistant City Manager classification shall be returned under the SLMO bargaining group to align with other City executive management positions.
Fiscal Impacts
There is no fiscal impact with the approval of this resolution. Assistant City Manager is a budgeted position and would be fu...

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