File #: 16-553    Version: 1 Name: Police Chief SS Staff report
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 10/17/2016 Final action: 10/17/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Establishing a Salary Schedule for Police Chief
Related files: 16-554


Staff Report for a Resolution Establishing a Salary Schedule for Police Chief




Staff recommends that the City Council approve a resolution establishing a salary schedule for Police Chief.




The prior Police Chief salary schedule was approved specific to the individual employment agreement negotiated with former Police Chief Sandra Spagnoli. Chief Spagnoli separated from the City on March 13, 2016.




The Police Chief position is currently being filled with an acting assignment. Before a new appointment can be made into the position, the salary range must be approved by the City Council. Staff recommends that the Police Chief classification be set at a salary range of $190,764 - $231,864.  The Police Chief classification will remain unrepresented.


The City Manager recommends that the City Council approve a resolution establishing a new salary schedule for the Police Chief classification. Approval of the salary schedule would comply with CalPERS’ requirement for publicly available pay schedules in accordance with California Code of Regulations Section 570.5.


Fiscal Impacts and Budget Authority

There is no fiscal impact with the approval of this resolution. Police Chief is a budgeted position and would be fully funded at the proposed salary range, in account 010-21-001.


PREPARED BY:  Emily Hung, Human Resources Manager, City Manager’s Office