File #: 14-352    Version: 1 Name: EV Charger Agreement Resolution
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 9/15/2014 Final action: 9/15/2014
Enactment date: 9/15/2014 Enactment #: Reso 2014-102
Title: RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Bay Area Charge Ahead Project 2 - Approval to Proceed with ABM to Install Three Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (provides for installation of two stations at the Downtown Parking Garage and one at the Water Pollution Control Plant at a cost of $2,760.00, $1,840 from Account No. 132-35-003-5240 and $920.00 from Account No. 593-52-113-5240)
Attachments: 1. Master Agreement to Proceed for BayCAP2 (2) 8-28-14
Related files: 14-350, 14-351, 14-353
RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Bay Area Charge Ahead Project 2 - Approval to Proceed with ABM to Install Three Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (provides for installation of two stations at the Downtown Parking Garage and one at the Water Pollution Control Plant at a cost of $2,760.00, $1,840 from Account No. 132-35-003-5240 and $920.00 from Account No. 593-52-113-5240)
WHEREAS, the California Energy Commission awarded funds to Bay Area Charge Ahead Project 2 via California EV Alliance to install electric vehicle charging stations in the Bay Area; and
WHEREAS, the City is participating in the project for the deployment of three charging stations that will increase electric vehicle readiness; and
WHEREAS, the hardware and installation is fully covered by the grant with funds flowing directly to ABM for the hardware and installation services; and
WHEREAS, a draft agreement between the City of San Leandro and ABM has been presented to this City Council; and
WHEREAS, the City Council is familiar with the contents thereof; and
WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends approval of said agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows:
1.      That said agreement substantially in the form presented, at a cost of $2,760.00, $1,840 from Account No. 132-35-003-5240 and $920.00 from Account No. 593-52-113-5240, is hereby approved and execution by the City Manager is hereby authorized; and
2.      That the City Manager is authorized to make non-substantial revisions to said agreement, subject to the approval of the City Attorney; and
3.      That an original executed agreement shall be attached to and made a part of this resolution.