File #: 12-406    Version: 1 Name: Resolution to Amend SLMO Salary Schedule
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 9/4/2012 Final action: 9/4/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Resolution Amending the San Leandro Management Organization (SLMO) Salary Schedule to Add the Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) Classification
Attachments: 1. 07.19.12 Regular Meeting minutes.pdf
Related files: 12-407
Staff Report for Resolution Amending the San Leandro Management Organization (SLMO) Salary Schedule to Add the Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) Classification


It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution to amend the salary schedule of the San Leandro Management Organization (SLMO) in order to approve and establish the salary for a new classification.


Staff recommends that the following classification be added to the SLMO salary schedule to provide needed support to City services:

Chief Innovation Officer: The City Manager’s Office requests approval to add the Chief Innovation Officer classification specification into the San Leandro Management Organization salary schedule. The City’s vision is to implement a long-range strategy to bring new businesses to San Leandro and create jobs while enhancing the quality of life for the community. By partnering with high-tech economic interests to utilize its newly-installed, high-speed fiber optic ring, this classification will foster economic ties with a more broadly-based business community. The objective of this position will be to attract and retain private-sector business interests in the City, thereby establishing collaboration between the businesses, local government, non-profits and the nearby educational community. The collaboration will in turn promote innovation and stimulate job creation and alternative revenue streams.

Board/Commission Review and Actions

The Personnel Relations Board approved the Chief Innovation Officer classification specification at its meeting on July 19, 2012. Draft minutes of the meeting are attached.

Fiscal Impacts

Seventy-five percent of the Chief Innovation Offer position’s first-year costs ($139,650) will be borne by OSIsoft; the remaining twenty-five percent ($46,500) will be funded by reserves. Future-year costs will be handled during the budget development process.


· Draft minute...

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