File #: 15-004    Version: 1 Name: Hesperian/Springlake RR Crossing - ACCEPT
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 2/17/2015 Final action: 2/17/2015
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Accepting the Work for the Hesperian/Springlake Railroad Crossing Improvements, Project No. 12-150-38-325
Related files: 15-005
Staff Report for a Resolution Accepting the Work for the Hesperian/Springlake Railroad Crossing Improvements, Project No. 12-150-38-325


Staff recommends that the City Council accept the work and authorize the City Manager to file the Notice of Completion, release the performance and payment bonds and release the maintenance bond upon successful completion of the one-year maintenance period.


The project improvements include sidewalk construction along Hesperian Boulevard near the railroad crossing, and relocation of the pedestrian crosswalk to south of Springlake Drive. Other associated work consisted of traffic signal modifications, curb ramps and other various improvements in conformance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and the installation of pedestrian swing gates across the sidewalks approaching the railroad crossing.


Construction is complete. The work was inspected and deemed to comply with the contract documents and City standards.

Previous Actions

* On July 7, 2014, by Resolution No. 2014-071, the City Council rejected all bids from the first invitation for bids
* On September 15, 2014, by Resolution No. 2014-097, the City Council awarded a contract for construction of the work to Columbia Electric, Inc.

Applicable General Plan Policies

Policy 18.02-B: Pedestrian Safety Improvements: Develop programs to improve pedestrian safety at both controlled and uncontrolled intersections throughout the City. Programs that use innovative technology, such as lighted crosswalks and warning countdowns should be explored.

Environmental Review

This project is categorically exempt from CEQA per section 15301, Existing Facilities. Repair and maintenance of existing structures are covered by this section.

Summary of Public Outreach Efforts

This project was advertised in the Daily Review on July 18, 2014. Nearby residents and businesses...

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