File #: 16-479    Version: 1 Name: SR - FY17 PD Fleet Vehicle Purchase
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 10/17/2016 Final action: 10/17/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Purchase Agreement for the Purchase and Outfitting of 11 Police Vehicles
Related files: 16-478
Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Purchase Agreement for the Purchase and Outfitting of 11 Police Vehicles


Staff recommends the City Council approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute purchase agreement(s) for the purchase and outfitting of 11 police vehicles at a cost not to exceed $501,148. These vehicles will replace five (5) police motorcycles, four (4) black and white patrol sedans, one (1) sedan for administration, and one (1) sedan for criminal investigations that have all reached the end of their useful lives.

Funding to cover the purchase will come from account 690-16-003-7510. Funding for this purchase includes a separate request from the Finance Department to the San Leandro City Council for a budget adjustment of carryover funds totaling $288,058 currently in the fiscal year 2015-16 vehicle replacement fund and $150,000 budget transfer from the vehicle replacement fund balance. The purchase is contingent upon City Council approval of the Finance budget adjustment request.


The San Leandro Police Department has 93 sworn officers and 46 professional staff. Of those staff, 48 are dedicated to patrolling San Leandro in various field assignments, while 5 are dedicated to traffic enforcement throughout the City. Scheduled replacement of vehicles at the end of their lifecycles provides for uninterrupted service delivery to the San Leandro community.

On June 2, 2014, the City Council adopted Resolution 2014-053 authorizing the City of San Leandro to enter into a lease/purchase agreement to acquire 10 police vehicles through PNC bank.

On April 6, 2015, the City Council adopted Resolutions 2015-074 and 2015-075 authorizing the City of San Leandro to enter into a lease/purchase agreement to acquire 25 police vehicles as part of the City's vehicle replacement cycle.

On October 5, 2015, the City Council adopted Resolution 2015-173 authori...

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