Staff Report to Extend to One Year An Urgency Ordinance that Places a Temporary Moratorium on Non-Hosted Short-Term Rentals Land Uses
Staff recommends the City Council approve a time extension of the initial 45-day temporary urgency ordinance establishing a moratorium on non-hosted short-term rentals land uses for up to ten months and fifteen days for a total of one year from the date of inception.
To provide an opportunity to further examine and address issues related to short-term rentals, the City Council unanimously approved an urgency ordinance on July 23, 2018, which placed a temporary moratorium on non-hosted short-term rental land uses. The ordinance reinforces the City's current prohibitions and provides a more clear enforcement tool until permanent regulations can be established and implemented. State law provides an initial forty-five (45) day effective period for temporary urgency ordinances unless a further extension of time is later approved. Staff is requesting that the City Council adopt an Ordinance to extend the time period of the moratorium up to ten months and fifteen days for a total of one year from its initial effective date, ending July 22, 2019. Staff will utilize this period to conduct public outreach and develop for City Council review and approval new draft short-term rental regulations.
Relevant Definitions
A "short-term rental" is the rental of a residential dwelling unit (or portion thereof) to paying occupants on a short-term basis. Short-term rentals can vary from the rental of a single bedroom or common area to an entire home or apartment. The duration of occupancy may also vary, but short-term rentals are generally defined as the rental of any property or portion thereof for less than 30 days. Short-term rentals are typically advertised and booked online through various short-term rental listing services or rental agencies. The property owner is resp...
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