File #: 14-133    Version: 1 Name: Annual Overlay/Rehab 13-14 - AWARD
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/19/2014 Final action: 5/19/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Gallagher & Burk, Inc. for the Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2013-14 Project, Project No. 2014.0050
Attachments: 1. Bid Summary - Annual Overlay Rehabilitation 2013-14
Related files: 14-134
Staff Report for a Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Gallagher & Burk, Inc. for the Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2013-14 Project, Project No. 2014.0050


This contract provides for the reconstruction of segments of Bigge Street and Bancroft Avenue along with construction of miscellaneous street and sanitary sewer related improvements.

Staff recommends award of the construction contract to the low bidder, Gallagher & Burk, Inc., in the amount of $626,275.00 for the subject work.


City staff conducts periodic pavement condition surveys using our Pavement Maintenance System to establish the condition of City streets. Based on these surveys, City streets are selected for rehabilitation or reconstruction based on the following: 1) pavement condition; 2) amount of project funds available; 3) proximity to future land development projects; and 4) other engineering considerations.

The two street segments to be reconstructed as part of the subject project are:
* Bigge Street from Adams Avenue east to end at cul-de-sac
* East side of Bancroft Avenue from Dutton Avenue to San Leandro Creek

Both street segments were included as additive bid items on the Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2012-13 project, but neither was incorporated into the construction contract due to budget constraints.

Reconstruction will consist of installing a new asphaltic concrete (AC) pavement section on a cement stabilized base. This process involves demolishing the existing AC pavement, mixing cement into the road base to provide a stable foundation, and installing a surface course of new AC. This method of rehabilitation costs significantly less than traditional road reconstruction methods due to reduced raw materials and hauling.

Road work on Bigge Street will be performed at night to mitigate construction impacts to local businesses.


A total of two bids were received on April 2...

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