File #: 15-308    Version: 1 Name: GP Conformance Finding - 777 Alvarado
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: Planning Commission
Meeting Date: 5/21/2015 Final action: 5/21/2015
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: General Plan Conformance Finding Concerning the Acquisition of the Property Located at 777 Alvarado Street (APN: 075-0155-009-00). The acquisition of this property allows the City to maintain it in the future for uses compatible with the City's Downtown Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy.
Attachments: 1. Exh A_Aerial 777 Alvarado, 2. Exh B Land Use_777 Alvarado
Related files: 14-492, 14-493
General Plan Conformance Finding Concerning the Acquisition of the Property Located at 777 Alvarado Street (APN: 075-0155-009-00). The acquisition of this property allows the City to maintain it in the future for uses compatible with the City's Downtown Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy.


In December 2014, the City Council approved authorized the City Manager to acquire 777 Alvarado Street, which lies within a key development opportunity site under the City's Downtown TOD Strategy. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission find that the proposed acquisition of property on 777 Alvarado Street is consistent with the San Leandro General Plan.


In July 2000, the City of San Leandro's Redevelopment Agency (Agency) entered into a Disposition and Development Agreement with Creekside Association for the Agency owned properties at San Leandro Boulevard and Davis Street, now home of the Creekside Office Plaza. The original project envisioned an environmental education center on one of the parcels to be operated by Friends of San Leandro Creek. During the negotiation process, the office park development expanded to include all available parcels. The Developer was required, as part of the Disposition and Development Agreement with the Agency, to construct and maintain a creek walk as part of the project. An alternative site, 777 Alvarado Street (the Site) was identified for the environmental education center.

On May 1, 2001, Friends of San Leandro Creek entered into a Lease Agreement with the Oliver Partnership for the Site (the Lease). The Lease included a guarantee from the City of San Leandro and the Redevelopment Agency for performance of the tenant.

On March 5, 2001, the Agency adopted a resolution whereby the City guaranteed the Friends of San Leandro Creek lease the Site. Funding for the Lease was provided by the Creekside Plaza developer who placed $250,000...

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