File #: 20-238    Version: 1 Name: PW Vehicle Replacement Purchases SR
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/15/2020 Final action: 6/15/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Purchase Two- 2020 Model Year Ford Super Duty F-350 XL 2WD Regular Cabs from National Auto Fleet Group at a Price of $53,700.16 and $58,816.68; to Purchase One Effer Model 175/5S Articulating Crane Truck with Altec Industries, Inc. for $205,925.00; and to Purchase One 2021 Model Year International MV607 SBA Chassis with Peterson Trucks, Inc. for $134,800.79, all Four of Which Will Be Purchased Through Sourcewell, a Cooperative Contract Purchasing Agency; and to Appropriate $237,948.64 from the Equipment Repair and Maintenance Internal Service Fund Balance to the Vehicle Replacement Fund
Attachments: 1. Altec Crane Truck 645, 2. National Auto Fleet Quote 770, 3. National Auto Fleet Stake Bed Truck 859, 4. Peterson Quote Rodder 666
Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Purchase Two- 2020 Model Year Ford Super Duty F-350 XL 2WD Regular Cabs from National Auto Fleet Group at a Price of $53,700.16 and $58,816.68; to Purchase One Effer Model 175/5S Articulating Crane Truck with Altec Industries, Inc. for $205,925.00; and to Purchase One 2021 Model Year International MV607 SBA Chassis with Peterson Trucks, Inc. for $134,800.79, all Four of Which Will Be Purchased Through Sourcewell, a Cooperative Contract Purchasing Agency; and to Appropriate $237,948.64 from the Equipment Repair and Maintenance Internal Service Fund Balance to the Vehicle Replacement Fund


Staff recommends that the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to purchase four replacement vehicles (replacing existing vehicles that are due or past due for replacement), with three different vendors and all through Sourcewell, a cooperative contract purchasing agency. The total purchase amount for all four vehicles is $453,242.63. Staff also recommends that the City Council approve appropriation of $237,948.64 from the Equipment Repair and Maintenance Internal Service Fund balance to the Vehicle Replacement Fund in order to complete the purchases.


The replacement vehicles are located in four separate Public Works sections: Waste Water Collections (sewer rodder truck purchased in 2004 and due for replacement in 2017); Plant Maintenance (crane truck purchased in 2004 and due for replacement this year); Streets (1/2 ton truck used for illegal dump pick-ups, purchased in 2008 and due for replacement in 2019); and Facilities (1-ton stake bed truck, purchased in 2006 and due for replacement in 2019).

The Garage section was understaffed for much of last year, which resulted in a delay in preparing replacement vehicles specifications for Fiscal Years 2018 and 2019. Additionally, equipment is someti...

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