Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution to Increase the Construction Contract Change Order Cap Authorization from 25% to 90% (from $20,605 to $74,178; an increase of $53,573) to the Original Construction Contract Amount of $82,420 with Pacific Underground Services for the Heron Bay Levee Maintenance Project, Project No. 2006.0111; to approve an Individual Change Order of $43,262 or 53% of the Original Construction Contract Amount of $82,420; and to Authorize Appropriation of an Additional $45,000 from the Heron Bay Maintenance Assessment District Fund Balance for the Project 147-42-150-5240 in Fiscal Year 2020-2021, for a Total Vendor Contract Amount of $125,682 and a Total Cost of $156,598 including Additional Authorized Change Orders.
Final permit requirements mandate site debris removal work that was not included in the original contract. Staff recommends this work be completed through a Contract Change Order (CCO) to the original contract for expediency and cost effectiveness.
Staff recommends the following actions:
* Authorize an increase to the CCO cap from 25% to 90% (from $20,605 to $74,178; a Change Order Cap Increase of $53,573) to the original contract amount of $82,420 with Pacific Underground Construction for the subject project;
* Approve an individual change order of 53% of the original construction contract with Pacific Underground Services in the amount of $43,262 for debris removal work required by permit; and
* Appropriate $45,000 from the Heron Bay Maintenance Assessment District Fund Balance, to Account No.147-42-150-5240 for the project.
This project is undertaken as part of the Heron Bay Maintenance Assessment District (Assessment District 96-3) work plan. Services to the District are provided by the City of San Leandro's Engineering and Transportation, Public Works, and Police Departments; the County of Alameda Public Works Agency; outside consultants, ...
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