File #: 13-230    Version: 1 Name: Unfunded General Fund
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/6/2013 Final action: 5/6/2013
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report on Unfunded General Fund High Priority Capital Improvement Projects, for Fiscal Years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015
Staff Report on Unfunded General Fund High Priority Capital Improvement Projects, for Fiscal Years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015


This report provides background information on four proposed high priority Capital Improvement Program projects for the City Council's consideration during the review of the 2013-2014/2014-2015 biennial budget. Staff recommends that $275,000 from the General Fund be allocated to these projects for each budget year (total amount of $550,000 for the 2013-2015 budget).


At the March 25, 2013 City Council Work Session, four Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects were presented by staff. These projects are of critical importance and should be considered for funding in the 2013-2015 budgets. Due to either the nature or location of these four projects, they do not qualify for grant funds, and therefore, only qualify for General funds.


The four projects considered high priority are described below:

Miscellaneous Engineering Studies ($50,000 per year)

To provide quick responses to a variety of issues without prior appropriated funds. These funds would be used for situations where timing is critical and the City's standard appropriation schedule would be insufficient.

This project involves the use of in-house or outside services to: perform small engineering studies, such as design studies and documents; complete grant applications; provide support services for emergency work; respond to City Council or City Manager requests; and perform department services not chargeable to existing CIP projects.

Grant applications have short application periods and often require extensive research and staff time to complete. Engineering and Transportation staff has successfully obtained grant funding after extensive effort during the application process, which sometimes require outside services. In the past three years, the City has received $10.1million ...

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