File #: 16-665    Version: 1 Name: Site Development Sub-Commission
Type: Minute Order - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 12/5/2016 Final action: 12/5/2016
Enactment date: 12/5/2016 Enactment #: Min Order 2016-023
Title: MOTION ratifying the appointment of Board of Zoning Adjustments member Tom Fitzsimons to the Site Development Sub-Commission for a two-year term through December 1, 2018


MOTION ratifying the appointment of Board of Zoning Adjustments member Tom Fitzsimons to the Site Development Sub-Commission for a two-year term through December 1, 2018



The City recently received an application which requires appointment and reconvening of the Site Development Sub-Commission.  Pursuant to Title 1, Chapter 1-3, Article 12 of the Municipal Code, and Article 3 of the Zoning Code, the Sub-Commission shall consist of three members, one appointed by the Chair of the Planning Commission (PC), one appointed by the Chair of the Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) and one appointed by the Mayor who is a member of either the PC or BZA.


The Site Development Sub-Commission is convened only as needed and has not been convened since 2008 due to a lack of projects requiring review. The responsibilities of the Sub-Commission include: 

                     Reviewing request for Site Plan, Residential Site Plan, and View Preservation/Site Plan approval that have been referred by the Zoning Enforcement Official;

                     Reviewing requests for approval of signs as required by Article 18 and others that have been referred by the Zoning Enforcement Official;

                     Reviewing claims of business’ noncompliance with the performance standards applying to Parcels Adjoining residential Districts;

                     Reviewing anything required under a prior entitlement.


On November 17, 2016, Ken Pon, Chair of the Planning Commission, appointed Denise Abero. The Chair of the Board of Zoning Adjustments is scheduled to make an appointment at the December 1, 2016 BZA meeting.  Mayor Pauline Russo-Cutter recommends the Council make a motion to ratify the appointment of Tom Fitzsimmons, member of the BZA, to the Sub-Commission.


PREPARED BY:  Cynthia Battenberg, Community Development Director