Review the 2025 Federal and State Legislative Platforms and Receive Annual Updates from Federal Government Liaison Jen Covino from Covino Smith & Simon, and State Liaison Niccolo DeLuca from Townsend Public Affairs
Each year, representatives from the offices of Townsend Public Affairs and Covino Smith & Simon (the City's state and federal government liaisons, respectively) provide an update on the state and federal legislative landscape as well as potential funding opportunities available over the course of the upcoming year. This visit is timed to take place in January, which aligns with the commencement of the various state and federal legislative calendars.
In addition to receiving the above annual updates, it is important for the City Council to identify policy priorities or projects that are germane to the City of San Leandro's interests at the state and federal level in 2025. Such documented priorities enable members of the City Council, City staff, or the City's advocates to issue letters, attend meetings, or otherwise act as opportunities arise over the year ahead. To this end, a draft of the annual state and federal legislative platforms are also attached to this staff report and included in the agenda packet for the City Council's consideration and feedback. Final versions of these documents will be brought back to the City Council for formal adoption at a subsequent City Council meeting.
Review and provide feedback regarding the attached state and federal legislative platforms for the 2025 calendar year.
Fiscal Impacts
The costs for the City's contracts with both Townsend Public Affairs and Covino Smith & Simon for advocacy services, along with anticipated costs for potential attendance at U.S. Conference of Mayors and National League of Cities events are already appropriated in the adopted current fiscal year City budget. No additional appropriations are requested or anticipa...
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