File #: 12-120    Version: Name: Adoption of ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan Update
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/19/2012 Final action: 3/19/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Adoption of City of San Leandro Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan Update
Attachments: 1. Executive Summary
Related files: 12-122
Staff Report for Adoption of City of San Leandro Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan Update

It is recommended that the City Council adopt the 2012 update of the City of San Leandro Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan.

In 2009, following a review of the City’s policies and procedures by the Fair Housing and Equal Employment Opportunity Division (FHEO) of the Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD), the City was asked to update its Transition Plan for compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This was done in 2010 and adopted by Minute Order 2010-042. Staff further agreed to update the City’s Self-Evaluation Plan. Both plans have been consolidated into one document and are ready for adoption by the City Council.

While the City’s ADA Transition Plan addresses the City’s facilities and removal of barriers to disabled individuals to provide them full access to public facilities, the Self-Evaluation Plan reviewed the City’s Programs and Services to ensure that all programs and services are fully accessible.

With the assistance of the consulting firm of Moore, Iacofano and Goltsman (MIG), each department completed a review of its operations to be sure that all programs, services, meetings and events are fully accessible to all members of the community. MIG then compiled the data into an updated Self-Evaluation Plan, and combined that with the already adopted Transition Plan to provide one document. An Executive Summary of the City of San Leandro Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan is attached to this report.

The review of City programs and services resulted in a number of recommended actions; some which have already been implemented or are already City practice (e.g. providing sign language translation services for meetings or meeting materials in alternative formats if a request is made; annual publicat...

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