File #: 13-620    Version: 1 Name: Creek Walk & Trail Support Resolution
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 1/6/2014 Final action: 1/6/2014
Enactment date: 1/6/2014 Enactment #: Reso 2014-003
Title: RESOLUTION Supporting Efforts to Identify Funding for the Development of a Creek Walk and Multi-Purpose Trail (identifies funding for the design and development of an approximately 6.3-mile urban creek walk along the banks of San Leandro Creek)
RESOLUTION Supporting Efforts to Identify Funding for the Development of a Creek Walk and Multi-Purpose Trail (identifies funding for the design and development of an approximately 6.3-mile urban creek walk along the banks of San Leandro Creek)

WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro is committed to and supports efforts to identify funding for the design and development of an urban creek walk along the banks of San Leandro Creek; and

WHEREAS, approximately half of the proposed multi-purpose trail would be in the City of San Leandro and the other half in the City of Oakland, is on land owned by the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, cities and school districts of San Leandro and Oakland, private and commercial interests; would begin at Martin Luther King Jr. Regional Shoreline and end at Anthony Chabot Regional Park, both owned and operated by East Bay Regional Park District; and

WHEREAS, if developed, such a creek walk would serve to provide a host of public benefits to the residents of San Leandro and Oakland, including reconnecting communities and neighborhoods that have been separated by urban development; and

WHEREAS, an urban creek walk also would serve to promote healthy lifestyles by providing the public with an easily-accessible trail and additional opportunities to explore the natural environment; and

WHEREAS, such a project would directly benefit low-income and disadvantaged urban community residents by providing them with direct access to open space; and

WHEREAS, an urban creek walk provides direct and indirect economic benefits to the entire community by creating a new downtown attraction for visitors who may also frequent local businesses; and

WHEREAS, revitalizing creek side areas also serves to improve water quality through the restoration of creek banks and beds and associated drainage channels; and

WHEREAS, such a project would increase public awareness of the need to protect loc...

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