File #: 15-124    Version: 1 Name: Transportation Permits and Overweight Vehicle Permits
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/2/2015 Final action: 3/2/2015
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Adoption of Ordinances Relating to Transportation Permits and Overweight Vehicle Permits, Adoption of Fees, and Repeal of Conflicting Administrative Code Provisions Relating to Same
Related files: 15-048, 15-050, 15-122, 15-123
Staff Report for Adoption of Ordinances Relating to Transportation Permits and Overweight Vehicle Permits, Adoption of Fees, and Repeal of Conflicting Administrative Code Provisions Relating to Same


On February 17, 2015, the City Council introduced two ordinances to regulate vehicles that exceed statutory limitations on size, weight and loading and to regulate overweight vehicles.

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Ordinances adding Chapter 6.8 and Chapter 6.9 to Title 6 of the San Leandro Municipal Code to regulate these vehicles. Staff also recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing to adopt a resolution amending the fee schedule related to the issuance of the transportation and overweight vehicle permits. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution repealing Chapter 4 of Title 8 of the San Leandro Administrative Code so that it is not inconsistent with the new ordinances when they go into effect.


Historically, oversized vehicles have travelled in and through the City with little regulation or control.

Hundreds of commercial vehicles travel through San Leandro daily. Some of these vehicles exceed statutory limitations on the size, weight and loading of vehicles permitted by the California Vehicle Code. Oversized vehicles may be overweight and the increased weight can affect the safe starting, stopping and handling of the vehicle. Increased weight may cause stress on a vehicle that could potentially cause a critical item component to fail, leading to a traffic collision. The increased weight can add extreme pressure to the roadway which could cause the roadway and underlying infrastructure to fail. Transportation permits would allow for the regulation and control of these vehicles. Vehicles that are found out of compliance would be cited and in some cases taken out-of-service. The California Vehicle Code regulates maximum vehicle si...

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