File #: 14-450    Version: 1 Name: Update on Homeless Task Force
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 10/20/2014 Final action: 10/20/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Update on the San Leandro Homeless and Housing Task Force
Related files: 14-456, 14-571, 14-491
Staff Report for Update on the San Leandro Homeless and Housing Task Force


The co-chairs of the San Leandro Homeless and Housing Task Force will be providing an update to the City Council on their discussions to date and a recommendation for immediate funding needs.

At the direction of the City Council, a San Leandro Homeless and Housing Task Force was created to develop a plan to respond to immediate homeless issues in the City of San Leandro based on the priorities outlined in the new Housing Element. The Task Force consists of the following individuals and organizations:

* Moira Fry, Interfaith Homelessness Network (IHN)/April Showers
* Rose Johnson, Executive Director, Davis Street Family Resource Center
* Ronald Keeney, Interfaith Homelessness Network (IHN)/April Showers
* Dan Martinez, Congregations Organizing for Renewal (COR)
* Liz Varela, Executive Director, Building Futures with Women and Children (BFWC)

The Task Force has convened four meetings to date, beginning in early September 2014, and will likely have two additional meetings on October 21st and November 5th.

The mission of the San Leandro Homeless and Housing Task Force is to develop a short term plan, by acting as a catalyst and leadership resource, to bring the community together to promote affordable housing, end homelessness and improve the situation of those who are homeless.

In pursuit of this mission, the Task Force will:

* Determine need, existing services and services gaps for homeless and those in housing crisis;
* Identify resources to support development of an implementation plan;
* Ensure stakeholder involvement; and,
* Develop timeline and identify next steps to achieve mission.

The Task Force will bring a full report to the City Council later this year. However, three immediate needs have been identified and action must be taken now in order to provide needed services. Specifically, the Task Force recommends...

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