File #: 14-217    Version: 1 Name: Hesperian Blvd / Springlake Dr. Railroad Crossing Impr. - REJECT BIDS
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/7/2014 Final action: 7/7/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Rejecting All Bids for the Hesperian Boulevard/Springlake Drive Railroad Crossing Improvements Project, Project No. 12-150-38-325
Attachments: 1. Bid Summary-001
Related files: 14-220
Staff Report for a Resolution Rejecting All Bids for the Hesperian Boulevard/Springlake Drive Railroad Crossing Improvements Project, Project No. 12-150-38-325


This contract provides for the improvement of railroad crossing facilities near the Hesperian Boulevard and Springlake Drive railroad crossing.

Staff recommends that the City Council approve a resolution rejecting all bids on the subject project.


In 2012, a diagnostic traffic study was conducted by the California Public Utilities Commission, Union Pacific Railroad, and the City of the intersection of Hesperian Boulevard and Springlake Drive. The survey included an assessment of the skewed railroad crossing with the vehicular and pedestrian crossing. The study's recommendations included extending the sidewalk in the vicinity of the railroad tracks, relocating the crosswalk away from the railroad tracks, and upgrading pedestrian ramps and pedestrian crossing equipment at the intersection. The project improvements include sidewalk construction along Hesperian Boulevard near the railroad crossing, and relocation of the pedestrian crosswalk to south of Springlake Drive. Other associated work consists of traffic signal modifications, curb ramps and other various improvements in conformance with Americans with Disabilities Act requirements and the installation of pedestrian swing gates across the sidewalks approaching the railroad crossing.


A total of three bids were received on June 11, 2014 ranging from $270,057.00 to $287,825.00. The engineer's estimate for construction was $126,615.00. In addition to the high cost of these bids, none of the bidders met the bid requirement that the prime contractor must perform 50% or more of the work with its own forces.

This project is not subject to the local business ordinance which provides for a local business preference of 10% when comparing bids since it is a federally fun...

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