Adopt a Resolution to Appropriate $1,450,000 from General Fund Reserves to the Police Building and South Offices Modifications Project, Project No. 2014.0481
* Public Safety
* Infrastructure
This action appropriates $1,450,000 from General Fund Reserves to the Police Building and South Offices Modifications project to cover project costs through completion of the work.
Staff recommends the appropriation of $1,450,000 from General Fund Reserves to the subject project in account 210-18-137.
The project involved remodeling both the South Offices Building and the San Leandro Police Building. Construction of this project was scheduled for completion in Summer 2020 but was not substantially complete until June 2024; a delay of 46 months.
In September of 2022 staff anticipated that the work would be completed at the end of 2022, a delay of 33 months, and the City Council authorized additional funding for the project to cover this extended construction period. Subsequently, additional delays were encountered including a delay of 6 additional months to obtain PG&E service, delays in making the new uninterrupted power source operational, and delays in construction of various contract and extra work items.
The construction work by the general contractor, DL Falk Construction, Inc. is now complete.
The project budget is currently $11,134,983. Additional funding is required to complete the project as described herein.
Description Amount
Staff and consultant costs for extended duration of work $622,000
Construction costs in excess of budget $828,000
Total Required $1,450,000
Current Agency Policies
* Public Safety
* Maintain and enhance the City's infrastructure
Previous Actions
* On November 7, 2016, the City Council by Resolution No. 2016-145, approved a CSA with Indigo for design services related to the Police Building and South Offices Modifications Project
* On J...
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