File #: 16-707    Version: 1 Name: ADA Transition Plan Project - Acceptance SR
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 2/21/2017 Final action: 2/21/2017
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Resolution Accepting the Work for the ADA Transition Plan 14-15, Project No. 2015.0020
Attachments: 1. Post-construction Photos
Related files: 16-708
Staff Report for Resolution Accepting the Work for the ADA Transition Plan 14-15, Project No. 2015.0020


This project installed Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant concrete walkways, asphalt pavement, landscaping, striping and signage at four City facilities: City Hall, Marina Park, the Marina Community Center and the Main Library.

Staff recommends that the City Council accept the work by Souto Brothers Landscaping & Concrete Construction, Inc. and authorize the City Manager to file the Notice of Completion, release the performance bond and payment bond, and release the maintenance bond for the subject project upon successful completion of the one-year maintenance period.


On May 16, 2016, by Resolution 2016-055, the City Council awarded a construction contract for the subject project to Souto Brothers Landscaping & Concrete Construction, Inc. The project replaced approximately 6,000 square feet of non-ADA compliant concrete walkways and asphalt pavement and 500 square feet of non-ADA compliant driveways. The project installed 6 curb ramps to parking areas and ADA accessible parking signage at four City Facilities.


The construction contract is complete and the work complies with the contract documents and City Standards.

The ADA Transition Plan 14-15 project corrected some of the accessibility deficiencies identified in the City's ADA Transition Plan Facilities Survey prepared in 2010. Appropriated funds not used for this project will be used in a future ADA Transition Plan project.

The ADA Transition Plan 14-15 project successfully removed many access barriers at four of the City's most heavily used sites. The project improved accessibility at the Marina Park, the Main Library, the Marina Community Center and the Civic Center for all members of our community and visitors to our City. This work, prescribed by the City's ADA Transition Plan, reflects San Leandro's values and com...

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