File #: 15-304    Version: 1 Name: San Leandro Ball Park Locker/Restroom Increase CO Cap (SR)
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/15/2015 Final action: 6/15/2015
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution to Increase the Construction Contract Change Order Cap from 25% to 40% (from $60,659 to $97,054; a Change Order Cap Increase of $36,395) for the San Leandro Ball Park Locker/Restroom Refurbishment Project, Project No. 2003.0331
Related files: 15-305
Staff Report for a Resolution to Increase the Construction Contract Change Order Cap from 25% to 40% (from $60,659 to $97,054; a Change Order Cap Increase of $36,395) for the San Leandro Ball Park Locker/Restroom Refurbishment Project, Project No. 2003.0331


Staff recommends that the City Council increase the Change Order Cap from 25% to 40% (from $60,659 to $97,054; a change order cap increase of $36,395) for the subject project; the project budget has sufficient allocations to fund the increased cost.


This project is funded by WW Grant Funds.

The public restrooms and team locker rooms at the San Leandro Ball Park are over forty-five years old and in need of refurbishment. This project was to replace the interior finishes, partitions, lighting, and plumbing fixtures, as well as complete accessibility upgrades to these rooms.

During the project's design phase, dry rot in visible and accessible areas was noted throughout the restrooms and locker rooms, and an allowance for dry rot repair was included in the project budget. However, upon removal of existing wall finishes during construction, it was revealed that the dry rot to the framing of two interior walls and two exterior walls was too extensive to repair and therefore total replacement of the wall framing is required.


The cost of the dry rot repair including the additional wall framing is within the project budget, but adding the work to the construction contract requires increasing the contract amount by 40%. This exceeds the contracting code allowance of 25% and therefore authorization from the City Council is required.

The construction contract was awarded for $242,634. The major increased scope of work for the two interior walls and two exterior walls is estimated to cost 30% of the contract price. The cost of all minor extra work to account for unforeseen conditions is projected to be 10% of the origina...

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