File #: 14-309    Version: 1 Name: Staff Report Conf Employees Comp Plan & Salary Schedule
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/21/2014 Final action: 7/21/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Amending the San Leandro Confidential Employees Compensation Plan and Salary Schedule to Add the Classification of Police Recruit Trainee
Related files: 14-310
Staff Report for a Resolution Amending the San Leandro Confidential Employees Compensation Plan and Salary Schedule to Add the Classification of Police Recruit Trainee


Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution to amend the San Leandro Confidential Employees Compensation Plan and salary schedule to include the classification of Police Recruit Trainee.


Staff recommends that the classification of Police Recruit Trainee be added to the San Leandro Confidential Employees Compensation Plan and salary schedule to better address the current hiring challenges and to provide needed support to the Police Department.

Police Recruit Trainee is an existing classification title used to hire individuals selected to attend a State of California Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) Basic Police Academy. Currently, Police Recruit Trainees are part-time and paid on an hourly basis, but are not eligible for benefits.

In order to be competitive with neighboring public safety agencies, staff proposes to change the Police Recruit Trainee classification to a full-time benefited position. The Police Department anticipates an unprecedented number of vacancies over the next few years through attrition. By changing Police Recruit Trainee to a full-time classification, the Police Department can better compete with other law enforcement agencies by offering benefits to these employees while they are attending the police academy.

The classification will be listed under the Confidential Employees Group and be unrepresented by a bargaining unit but Police Recruit Trainees will be entitled to benefits under the Confidential Employees compensation plan. The classification title is currently listed on the San Leandro Police Officers' Association salary schedule but it is not represented by SLPOA since the Police Recruit Trainee is a non-sworn employee and has no police officer powers. Up...

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