File #: 14-214    Version: 1 Name: PD IT Infrastructure and New World Upgrade
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/2/2014 Final action: 6/2/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving the Implementation of a Virtual Information Technology Infrastructure and Upgrade to the Police Dispatch System
Attachments: 1. Dell Terms of Sale (Agreement).pdf, 2. Dell Scope of Service and pricing.pdf, 3. New World Addendum with Scope of Service and Pricing.pdf
Related files: 14-215
Staff Report for a Resolution Approving the Implementation of a Virtual Information Technology Infrastructure and Upgrade to the Police Dispatch System


Staff recommends that the City Council approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the following: An agreement with Dell Professional Services to build a virtual information technology (IT) infrastructure; and an addendum to the original agreement with New World Systems to upgrade the Police Department dispatch IT system. Staff also recommends authorizing the appropriation of $60,000 from the IT Fund balance for these services. The total cost for these projects is $203,000.


In 2004, the San Leandro Police Department moved its Computer Aided Dispatch/Records Management System (CAD/RMS) to New World Systems. The system has since expanded and is now integrated with the City's Geographic Information System (GIS), scheduling software, and other systems. In 2012, San Leandro renewed its contract with New World Systems for five more years. The system is currently running on version 9 and New World recommends upgrading to the most current version 11.

The physical infrastructure running the New World system is aging and the upgrade requires multiple new servers. New World and IT staff recommend that the servers be deployed on a virtual infrastructure.


The New World upgrade provides many enhancements, including a Decision Support System (DSS) and improved mobile functionality. New World Systems will perform the software upgrade and migration.

The Dell virtual infrastructure will support numerous IT systems, including the New World system, and is considered best practice for IT organizations, both public and private.

The City of San Leandro has standardized on Dell hardware and IT staff recommends maintaining this standardization because internal staff is trained to support Dell equipment.

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