File #: 16-460    Version: 1 Name: ORD Adopt SP Overlay Text & Map
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 9/19/2016 Final action:
Enactment date: 10/3/2016 Enactment #: Ordinance 2016-011
Title: ORDINANCE Amending Ordinance 2007-021 (to Create Special Review Criteria for Certain Properties within the Downtown Transit-Oriented Development Study Area Generally within 1/2 Mile Radius of the Intersection of East 14th Street and Davis Streets) to Remove Special Project Areas SP-1, Downtown South Gateway and SP- 8 BART/Westlake Properties; and to Modify the Special Review Criteria for SP-2, Washington Plaza Shopping Center and San Leandro Plaza; SP-3, Town Hall Square and Vicinity; and SP-5, North Alvarado Sites.
Attachments: 1. Ordinance Exhibit A Text Amendments to Special Review Overlay Criteria, 2. Ordinance Exhibit B Map SP Overlay Areas
Related files: 16-458, 16-459
ORDINANCE Amending Ordinance 2007-021 (to Create Special Review Criteria for Certain Properties within the Downtown Transit-Oriented Development Study Area Generally within 1/2 Mile Radius of the Intersection of East 14th Street and Davis Streets) to Remove Special Project Areas SP-1, Downtown South Gateway and SP- 8 BART/Westlake Properties; and to Modify the Special Review Criteria for SP-2, Washington Plaza Shopping Center and San Leandro Plaza; SP-3, Town Hall Square and Vicinity; and SP-5, North Alvarado Sites.

WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro recently adopted the 2035 General Plan, which states that "the San Leandro General Plan aspires to update its zoning regulations and zoning map to ensure consistency with the updated General Plan Map and Land Use categories. Furthermore, to comply with State General Plan Guidelines, the City has updated its General Plan to ensure that it remains relevant and reflects local physical and demographic patterns"; and

WHEREAS, the 2035 General Plan "aspires to update wording pertaining to the "S" Overlay Zones in the Downtown TOD Areas identified as SP-1, Downtown South Gateway, SP-2, Washington Plaza Shopping Center and San Leandro Plaza Special Policies, SP-3, Town Hall Square and Vicinity Special Policies, ...SP-5, North Alvarado Sites Special Policies and SP-8, BART/Westlake Properties Special Policies to encourage development of additional City gateway features and undertake public improvements"; and

WHEREAS, on September 17, 2007, the City Council adopted Ordinance 2007-021, to implement the Downtown TOD Strategy. The ordinance adopted Special Review Criteria for eight specified areas subject to the S-Overlay for Special Project Areas. Ordinance 2007-021 is incorporated herein by reference; and

WHEREAS, the following goals and policies in the new General Plan are implemented with the amendments to the Special Review Criteria for the "S" Overlay Zones: Go...

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