Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Consulting Services Agreement with W-Trans for the Preparation of a Parking and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Study in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $187,415
* Housing and Homelessness
This action approves and authorizes the City Manager to execute a Consulting Services Agreement with a transportation consulting firm, W-Trans, to analyze the City's parking standards, conduct stakeholder outreach, and recommend Zoning Code amendments. W-Trans would also develop complementary Transportation Demand Management (TDM) standards to improve mobility options and reduce parking demand for development projects.
Staff recommends the City Council adopt a resolution approving and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Consulting Services Agreement with W-Trans for a not-to-exceed amount of $187,415.
In December 2022, the City adopted the 2023-2031 Housing Element, which identifies the City's parking requirements as a constraint to housing production. To address this constraint, Housing Element Program 14 was added to retain "the services of a third-party parking consultant to analyze the City's minimum parking standards and conduct stakeholder outreach to identify recommended reductions or eliminations of residential parking minimums."
Additionally, Housing Element Program 14 calls for the City to consider development of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) requirements to "encourage reduction in vehicle trips and reliance on automobile parking." Implementation of these programs were later incorporated into the City Council's Housing and Homelessness Priority Work Plan.
The City issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) on June 11, 2024, for the preparation of Analysis and Recommendations for Amendments to Parking Requirements, TDM Standards and Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC) Policy. The proposal period closed on J...
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