File #: 14-270    Version: 1 Name: Measure Z extension
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/7/2014 Final action: 7/7/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for City Council Consideration of Placing a Ballot Measure Requesting Voter Authorization to Extend Measure Z
Related files: 14-281, 14-293, 14-278
Staff Report for City Council Consideration of Placing a Ballot Measure Requesting Voter Authorization to Extend Measure Z


It is recommended that the City Council:

1) By motion, adopt by majority vote the attached resolution placing a measure on the November 4, 2014 ballot asking San Leandro voters to extend its existing, voter-approved local transactions and use ("sales tax") measure at the half-cent (0.5%) rate, with a 30 year sunset provision, and direct staff to prepare the related ballot filing procedures for the temporary sales tax measure, including urging the Alameda County Registrar of Voters to assign "Z" as the measure letter.
2) By motion, and in conformance with California Revenue and Taxation Code section 7285.9, adopt by a 2/3 vote of all of the members of the City Council (5 affirmative votes) the attached ordinance codifying the proposed measure at the half-cent rate for 30 years, contingent upon authorization by the voters of the measure described in item 1) above.
3) By motion, adopt by majority vote the attached ordinance rescinding the existing Measure Z sales tax, codified as San Leandro Municipal Code Chapter 2-19, contingent upon authorization by the voters of the proposed measure described in item 1) above.


In November 2010, San Leandro voters authorized Measure Z, a local funding measure for local services, with revenue that cannot be taken by Sacramento. Measure Z has provided a reliable, voter-approved funding source for public safety and other essential City services. Measure Z is scheduled to expire. Preserving current levels of public safety, library, youth and anti-gang programs in the City, while addressing significant street and road repair needs are some of the many challenges the City faces in the current economy.

Although the broader regional economy and the stability of the City's general fund budget have improved since the adoption of this meas...

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