File #: 13-247    Version: 1 Name: RESO: ROI for Downtown CBD
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/20/2013 Final action: 5/20/2013
Enactment date: 5/20/2013 Enactment #: Reso 2013-067
Title: ADOPT: Resolution of the City Council of the City of San Leandro Stating Its Intention to Establish the Downtown San Leandro Community Benefit District and to Levy and Collect Assessments Within Said District Pursuant to City of San Leandro Ordinance No. 2012-014 Pertaining to the Formation of a Community Benefit District, and Appointing a Time and Place for Hearing Objections Thereto (declares the intention to establish a Community Benefit District for 15 years and sets a public hearing for July 15, 2013)
Attachments: 1. Final CBD Mgmt Plan 4-2-13.pdf
Related files: 13-239
ADOPT: Resolution of the City Council of the City of San Leandro Stating Its Intention to Establish the Downtown San Leandro Community Benefit District and to Levy and Collect Assessments Within Said District Pursuant to City of San Leandro Ordinance No. 2012-014 Pertaining to the Formation of a Community Benefit District, and Appointing a Time and Place for Hearing Objections Thereto (declares the intention to establish a Community Benefit District for 15 years and sets a public hearing for July 15, 2013)

WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro's Community Benefit District Ordinance No. 2012-014 (the "Ordinance") authorizes the City to establish a Community Benefit District ("CBD") for up to 20 years to promote the economic revitalization and physical maintenance of business districts, and mixed use communities in the City; and

WHEREAS, the Ordinance authorizes the City to levy and collect assessments on real property within such districts for the purpose of providing improvements and promoting activities that specially benefit real property within such districts; and

WHEREAS, the Ordinance authorizes the City to use the procedures set forth in the Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 (Streets & Highways Code sections 36600 et seq. (the "PBID Law") as modified by the Ordinance for purposes of forming an assessment district; and

WHEREAS, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Section 53753 of the California Government Code (Proposition 218 Omnibus Implementation Act) also impose certain procedural and substantive requirements relating to the notice, protests and hearing requirements pertaining to new or increased assessments; and

WHEREAS, written petitions have been submitted by property owners within the area of the proposed CBD in Downtown San Leandro that request the City Council initiate proceedings pursuant to the Ordinance to establish a Downtown San Leandro CBD for a fifteen year period; a...

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