RESOLUTION of the City Council for the City of San Leandro to Authorize 2018-19 Budget Transfers in the Total Amount of $33,692 for Purchase of a New One-Ton Long Bed Pick-up Truck
WHEREAS, the Public Works Paving Section needs an additional vehicle to facilitate multiple crews working in the field; and
WHEREAS, the Paving Section vehicle replaced this fiscal year has been in service for 14 years; and
WHEREAS, a competitive bid will be held for the purchase of the vehicle; and
WHEREAS, this purchase is a net new vehicle such that a budget transfer is required to complete the purchase.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows:
1. That a 2018-19 budget transfer in the amount of $33,692 from 140-31-056-5240 to the Equipment Maintenance Fund 690-16-002-7510 is authorized; and
2. That the City Manager is authorized to expend these transferred funds to complete the purchase of a One-Ton Long Bed Pick-up Truck for Public Works Paving staff.