File #: 17-006    Version: 1 Name: Annual Sidewalk Repair 2013-14 CCO Authorization SR
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 2/21/2017 Final action: 2/21/2017
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution to Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Individual and Cumulative Change Orders of Up to $279,927 for Additional Sidewalk and Accessibility Ramp Work with Rosas Brothers Construction for the Annual Sidewalk Repair Program 2013-14; Project No. 2014.0060
Related files: 17-007

Staff Report for a Resolution to Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Individual and Cumulative Change Orders of Up to $279,927 for Additional Sidewalk and Accessibility Ramp Work with Rosas Brothers Construction for the Annual Sidewalk Repair Program 2013-14; Project No. 2014.0060


This project provides for the removal and replacement of damaged concrete sidewalks, driveway approaches, curbs and gutters, and the installation of sidewalk curb ramps throughout the City.

Staff recommends that the City Council authorize a Contract Change Order Limit of Up to $279,927 for the subject project resulting in a total contract of $577,912.95. The project budget has sufficient funds to fund the increased cost.


In 2013, by Resolution No. 2013-147, the City Council awarded a construction contract for the subject project to Rosas Brothers Construction.

This project primarily assists homeowners in making repairs to their sidewalk frontage, driveways, curbs and gutters. Under San Leandro Municipal Code section 5-1-415, property owners are responsible for the maintenance and repair of the sidewalks in front of and on the side of their properties. Tenants are responsible for reporting dangerous conditions of sidewalks to the City. Additionally, sidewalk curb ramps are installed in locations requested by users, as well as those locations where curb ramps were absent. Property owners can request sidewalk frontage repair at any time while the contract is active. Typically, there is increased interest from property owners once work on adjacent properties' frontages are completed.

Concurrent with the construction of this project, the Annual Street Sealing 2013-14 project, which also required installation of curb ramps, began construction. The Annual Street Sealing 2013-14 project was required to construct curb ramps adjacent to streets scheduled for cape seal in order to comply with new Americans with D...

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